Chapter 23

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"Hurry!" He yelled in panic as he helps me climb up on his horse.

I manage to do so, and he hop in with no difficulty as he made his horse run as fast as it could to be able to escape from those wolves.

The wolves stopped when they reached the opening of the forest as they started attacking the horse that I was using earlier.

We survived.

After we're far enough from the forest, the horse started to slow down as it seems to be tired. It just started to walk, well this is far enough to be safe so the Emperor didn't do anything about it.

"I could've died.." I whispered to myself, proud because I survived that life to death situation.

"But, you didn't." He responded.

I never noticed how close we are to one another, my back is literally touching his chest and stomach. I guess it's because of the rushing and panicking.

"Thank you, my lord." I turn my head to look at him, but he just had his eyes on the road. He's a bit too tall for my head to block his view.

I got to admit, he got some pretty good stamina. He manage to carry a person while running at the same time. He's trained to fight, I know that. But he's only trained to fight with swords.

I then suddenly remembered what Shun said last night, when they're arguing. He said something about the Emperor being good at everything, well I think I can agree with that, a little..

"I know I will sound a little too comfortable with this but, have you decided which of those girls you will marry?"

"I have no one in mind."

"Uhm.. what about that girl named Chiyo? She seems to be the perfect fit..?"

Why am I sounding as if I'm jealous? Well, I just wanna know.. and I'm very curious even though he already rejected her.


I was stunned, he agrees with me on the fact that she's the perfect fit?

For the first time, I was silenced even though he didn't tell me to shut my mouth. It's this unknown feeling that was suddenly build in my chest when he agrees to it.

I mean, it's not like I'm hurt, right? It's probably just because Chiyo has a bad personality.. or something like that..?

Anyway, none of us said anything until we got back to the imperial palace. I ran out of words, also not in the mood to talk anymore.

I got down from his horse after him, my next move is to go back to work. But I was stopped when the Emperor suddenly grabbed my wrist, stopping me from my tracks.

"There will be a festival tonight at the village, perhaps you wanna come? Emma will be there." He asked in his soft and calm voice.

I glanced over his hand, holding my wrist. I gently took his hands off of me as I forced out a smile.


I looked at him once again, before turning my back at him as I started to walk away. I'm off to see the ladies, and do some more chores like always.


"You have to."


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