Chapter 5

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"Woah, what happened to you guys?" I jokingly asked the guards, they're all looking like a dead plant and barely can stand.

"We've been up all night, searching for a woman." He sighed, slapping himself to maintain his awake state.

I looked around me to see almost every guard going to places, they all look tired as well though.

"A woman? What woman?" I asked, I was on my way to tell the girls that's it's ready for a bath. I couldn't help not to notice them, as I am carrying a basket.

"A woman with long black hair, that woman who's with the Emperor last night." He let out another dramatic sigh.

A woman with the Emperor last night? Wait.. that's me right?

"A woman is with the Emperor last night?" I played dumb, pretending to not know anything.

"Yes, she escaped the moment the Emperor open his eyes. She's nowhere to be found, so we search for her the whole night."

Oops, I think that's my fault..

"I feel so bad for you guys, honestly. But I have ladies to take care of, see ya!" I said, walking away from him.

"You're lucky seeing naked ladies all the time." He rolled his eyes.

Well, whatever they have is what I have anyway.

I guess the Emperor was true to his words, he is serious about disregarding these ladies over that woman he just met.. which is me.

Well too bad that woman will never appear, ever.

"Oh my God, Y/n!"

I saw Emma running towards me, as she pulled me to a corner as if we were about to exchange some drugs or something.

"Is there a problem?" I asked, worried something is up.

"Are you that woman they're all looking for?" She returns the question, "Don't even lie, I know it's you."

"Then what's the point of your question?" I return the question once again.

"Oh my God!" She almost yelled, "You slept with him?!" She whispered yell, looking around if someone is near us.

"He drugged me, blame the tea!" I sounded so defensive, but it's the truth.

"I never would've left you there if I knew this would happen, I am so sorry." She face palm, looking stressed with the things that took place.

"It's fine, as long he never find out. We're both okay." I tried to calm her down.

"I have to burn that wig and kimono then, I cannot let him find that in my room. That bastard will search everyone's room including mine." She sounded in a panic so she just left me there, returning back to her room to burn the evidence.

I just shrugged my shoulders as I continue on my way to the girls.

But a loud yell stopped my tracks, as it was coming from the room that I walked pass in. I decided to eavesdrop since it got my attention.

"What do you mean there's no woman like that exist in the next village?!" That was Itsuki's voice, yelling at the top of his lungs.

"I spend all night asking each and everyone there, sir. But none has confirmed that the woman existed there, even the Oirans and the Geishas disagreed that there's a woman like that in their house." A servant explained.

"Then spend the whole day searching for that woman! Unless you want the Emperor to cut you up to pieces!" He threatened, making the poor servant shake in fear.

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