Chapter 20

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"For fucks sake, Shun. Enough!" The Emperor hissed on his twin brother as the man keeps complaining and complaining about me.

I didn't know he had a twin brother, well.. that probably explains why they both look the exact same.

"Shuji, he literally ruined my favorite clothes. It will cost him a life time to pay off the amount of that thing!"

The Emperor sighed sharply, "Good news, Y/n. You'll be working for him as well."

My eyes grew in horror, but the Emperor just left after saying that. I glanced over to his twin brother who's giving me this cocky smile.

The frustration and anger, also exhaustion came combining together as it made me reached my limits.

Instead of bursting out, I took a deep breath in and out. Concealing everything, because I'm already being punished, I don't want things to get worse.

"Just so you know, even if you work until your next life.. you still wouldn't be able to afford that." Shun said, before following his brother. They both left me here with burning anger inside me.

I wish I could just use these horse poop as a snow ball and throw it at them, then I'll be dead a second after.

I shrugged, "Worth the shot." I said to myself as I watch those two walks their way out of here.


"Damn, that was a long day." I said with a smile, as I release a breath after flopping on my new bed.

Since I'm considered as female now, I get to stay in the female servant's room, together with these nice old ladies. I took the top bunk since the lady below me is too old to even climb this ladder.

I feel good, I took a shower after doing so many task today. The duties I did is for 5 people already, but yeah.. I survived to finish all of those.

It's been a week since I started working under Shun, and the pressure was honestly real.

Like, I'll be hanging out some sheets outside, then i would hear him calling my name just for me to peel his eggs.

Sometimes, I would be busy helping the ladies, and he would appear out of nowhere, asking me to buy things for him on the market.

I don't think he's aware that I'm a female, or maybe he is but also a jerk like his twin brother. He would ask me to carry heavy things from time to time.

"I think Shun is a bigger jerk than the Emperor." I stared to rant to my amigas. Rolling to my side to face them from the top bunk, as I had my chin resting on my palm.

"I'm quite surprised to see him visiting, I wonder what's in his mind." Akai said, she's basically the lady who fixed those broken plates. They didn't want me to address them anything but their first names.

I felt uncomfortable knowing that they're old enough to be my grandmother, but they would scold me if I add anything next to their first name.

"Well, you see how he was tailing the Emperor all the time?" Teru asked, looking at me. She's in charge of the kitchen.

"I did, but why though?"

Teru then sat down on her bed, ready to tell me the story. As I kept my ears open, curious of what she will say next.

"Shun-sama, idolize his older twin. He loves the young Emperor, and he always look up to him. I heard he's working hard to prove to the Grand Emperor that he's also worthy to handle a village."

I did heard him being from a village far away from here, if not, it was the village the Grand Emperor is currently handling.

"I don't think the Emperor feels the same way." I utter, as a side comment.

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