Chapter 10

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"My cousin is totally insane! You won't believe this, Y/n!" She seems more stressed than before when she walk up to me while I was busy hanging out some clothes to dry out.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Itsuki came back, and my idiotic cousin thinks that the woman he's searching for.. is your sister who disappeared years ago." She said, face palming.

I mean.. he's not wrong, that woman and the eldest daughter in my family, are all me.

"How did he came up with that idea?"

"Because of your father's description, he said that your sister looks like you, but she just had a longer hair... plus a birthmar-"


I couldn't help not to raise my voice when I heard that, did my father straight up exposed me or something? Is he planning to get me caught?

"It's insane, I know.. but we need to be extra careful now, especially about your birthmark." She sigh.

"How are we going to hide this huge birthmark on my back?"

"With make up, you can come in my room every morning. And it's going to be our routine, to be applying make up to hide your birthma-"


She was cut off with a servant running towards our direction, the servant was panting when he arrived.

"What's wrong?" Emma asked, in curiosity.

"The Grand Emperor, has arrived." He announced, in between him catching his breath.

"What?!" Emma was surprised because of the news, "I thought he'll arrive a week before?"

I guess the Grand Emperor made a surprise visit, or maybe he'll stay here for good. After hearing about his grandchild's insane doings..

"He's already having a word with the Emperor, and he's requesting for you." The servant added.

Emma seemed panicked, "Y/n, you have to come with me."

"What? No! I can't be interfering with some family issues." I refused, plus I don't want to get myself in trouble. Knowing how cruel their grandfather was.

"Please, I need a friend beside me. I'm really nervous, I can pass out anytime now."

Geez, she's so dramatic. It's just her grandfather.

"It's not like I have a choice anyway." I shrugged.

That's when Emma wrapped her arms around mine, as she lean her head towards my shoulder. Before we both started walking our way to the Emperor's throne room, where another cruel Emperor is waiting.

I was also nervous while walking with Emma, I didn't want to leave her alone, she's still my one and only friend. I have to be there for her, because she's done so many things for me as well.

Keeping my identity as a secret is already too much, what more the other things that she's done for me.

"What's the name of the woman?" The Grand Emperor's voice was deep and loud, we haven't even enter the room yet his voice was already heard.

"Let's stay here for a bit." Emma said, I think she's not ready to enter yet.

But anyway, we didn't heard any response to the Grand Emperor.. so he spoke again.

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