Chapter 25

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"Where's the Emperor?" I asked, the moment I stepped in his palace.

He used his horse on his way back, and I was only using my feet. But I didn't want to think I was too late though, I'm hoping he just arrived, but that thought is stupid.

One of the soldiers told me he's in his room, that's why I came there in an instant.

I don't even know what's going on in my head, I literally ditched Baji alone in the village to go after this man. I feel ashamed since I gave Baji my words that I'll take care of him.

"My lord, it's me, Y/n. Can I come in?" I knocked softly on the door, as I wait for his response.

But I heard nothing from the other side of this door, I tried to knock once again, without saying anything, waiting for a couple of seconds.. then no response again.

I sighed deeply, "I'm sure you need someone to talk to, I'm here... I-I came after you when I saw you leaving after that mess. I really hope we can talk about it, maybe you'll feel better afterwards."

I don't even know why am I smiling, after assuring him my comfort. I guess the idea of making feel better after that, brings smile to my face.

"You know, people needs people. You can't live surrounding yourself with nothing, it's okay to talk to someone when you're feeling low. It's not weak, when you show you're at your weakness to someone.. it doesn't make you less of a person. So please just talk to me–."

"What the fuck are you doing?"

I was cut off when I heard a voice behind me, I slowly turned around, and almost had my heart dropped to my stomach.

"M-my lord!"

I was embarrassed, I felt how my cheeks started to burn, same goes for my ears.

He was standing behind me, looking down at me with this confused and judging look on his face. He probably thinks I'm insane now..

"What are you doing here?" He asked, once again.

"I came here, because I saw you walk away from the festival... uhm, you mind telling me what happened?" I gave him an awkward smile.

The man didn't answer, he just push me slightly to the side as he opened his door, entering as he didn't even bother responding to my words.

"You keep talking to me in an informal way, is that how your parents taught you to speak to your Emperor?" He chuckled.

Hearing that he's not mad, is enough for me to give myself permission to enter his room. I closed the door after me of course, since he left it open when he entered.

"Come here, I need a pillow." He tapped the space next to him, I immediately went to obey him as I kneel down on the spot he wants me to be at.

Later on, he placed his head on top of my lap as the man sighed, covering his eyes with his forearm, as he seemed to be extremely tired.

"Why was that lady so mad at you?" I asked, with a gentle and calm voice as I stare at his lips.

He has a thin pinkish lips, it doesn't look chapped, it looks pretty to be honest. Although I found myself weird for analyzing his lips.

"I was just trying to help her, but my guards thought she's doing something to harm me so they immediately jumped in and attack her. The vases she's selling were all broken when the commotion happened. It wasn't even my fucking fault." He whine, sounding like a kid complaining about not getting something he wants.

"It isn't, since they're your guards, they're are your responsibility.. I think. That's probably why she got furious."

"But, why does everyone wants me dead? I don't understand. I'm aware of me being called as 'cruel'. But, I'm only doing this for their sake, if I came out as soft.. the enemies will think I'm weak and they can easily start a war on me. These people are going to die, honestly... are they that stupid not to notice?"

Well, I guess I'm stupid too.

"I enjoy violence, I wouldn't care if they start wars on me. But I don't want my people to die."

I didn't say anything else, he continued to rant, while I sat there and listen to him. This is the first time I heard him speak a lot, because he usually just say a word then leave.

It kinda warms my heart, when I feel like I'm being here for him. I want him to feel that, he's not alone, he has me to vent. And thought makes me happy.

He continues to rant for more, he talks, and talks. Using different hand motion to express his anger, as he has his brows frowned all the time. I actually kind it cute, he would pull his hair once in a while, as he would groan after saying something that pisses him off.

"My grandfather only came here, to put pressure on me, he even decided to send Shun here, to put more pressure!"

And it went like this for hours, I just stared at him, with a smile the whole time..

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