Chapter 16

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a/n: read my recent message on my message board before proceeding.

"A traitor?" The Emperor looked at me with his brows frowned, I badly wanted to explain, but before I could even do that..

The Grand Emperor came marching towards my direction, grabbing my wrist, tossing me to the ground. The pressure got me tearing up, I didn't know what to do, I was beyond terrified.

Especially when I saw number 1 in the same area as us, she probably told the Grand Emperor. But she never told me that she knows, that me and that woman are the same person.

She's the traitor here!

"Grandfather, what are you doing?" The Emperor was about to walk towards me, but his grandfather stops him.

Instead, the Grand Emperor crouch down on my level. Pulling the fake hair off of my head, which I stay there with tears roaming down my cheeks.

"Isn't she familiar to you?" The Grand Emperor asked, throwing the fake hair somewhere.

"Grandfather stop!" Emma, was held back by two guards.

The Emperor remains silent, he was confused and it seems like he couldn't understand a thing. That's when the Grand Emperor pinned me to the ground, pulling the dress down to show them my birthmark.

I couldn't do anything else but to cry, just cry and sob as I probably look pity right now.

"Y/n L/n and the woman you're searching for, are the same person, see?" The Grand Emperor made it clear to the Emperor what was happening.

I just got exposed in the most unexpected way, I thought this day would go as plan. Turns out fate has something else for me.

"Grandfather, let her go!" Emma shouts.

"Shut up! You're part of this mess as well!" He pointed at Emma.

No, don't blame her.

"Y/n.. is that really you?" The Emperor asked, having this disgusted face printed on his expression.

"Y-yes, my lord. Please spare my life, I didn't mean no harm.. please, I never harmed anyone, I-i apologize to every–"

"This traitor needs to be killed, right now."

My eyes grew bigger, as I heard the word 'kill' when he's clearly referring to me. He's going to kill me, I'm going to die..

I promised my younger brother that I will come back home, alive and well. I can't die.. I don't want to.

"P-please, my lord. Forgive me, please forgive me." I started bursting out tears, kneeling down to the Emperor as I almost kissed his shoe.

I'll do whatever it takes to come back alive, now isn't the time to be dead. I'm still young, so I will lower my head and beg as hard as I can.. so he won't kill me.

"Don't listen to that traitor, she needs to die. Or else she will do much worser things that can be a threat to our family." The Grand Emperor said, not giving me a single mercy.

"No, no! I am no threat, I simply just came here because I was requested by you, my lord. Please don't kill me." I explained, as my hands were shaking while I was holding his shoe.

"Seize her!" The Grand Emperor ordered one of the guards to tie my hands on my back.

I was still kneeling down, non stop tears were roaming down my cheeks. I can still beg, even though my hands are tied behind me.

"Please, my lord. Don't kill me.." I begged, looking at him. I could tell that he's disappointed.. which is leading me to thinking that he's really going to kill me.

"Take this sword, and end her life right here." The Grand Emperor handed him a sword, while he remained silent.

"I will leave this village, I-i won't show my face to you anymore. I apologize for lying, please.. have mercy on me. My little brother is waiting for me!" I was shouting as I cried, I wanted to join my hands together and beg even harder.. but I cannot.

If I ran away, these arrows will shoot me. So I'm basically going to die either way.

I glanced over to Emma, I saw tears running down her cheeks as she couldn't do anything to help me. She was held by two man, she was struggling to free herself from her.

"What are you waiting for, Shuji? Kill her–"

"The last thing I remember, I'm the Emperor here.. you don't tell me what to do."

"But she's nothing but a nasty traitor, I tell you!"

The Emperor was silent, and as he stares at me, I can sense how keen his eyes are. I'm most afraid of him because he's angry.

He seems a little disgusted, and all I can think about is how embarrassed I am. Do I truly deserve to be punished for acting falsely?

The Grand Emperor snatched the sword from one of the soldiers and pointed it at me, saying, "If you're not going to kill her, I would."

I suppose this is the end; my world has halted. Without even getting to visit my family before I pass away, I'm dying right here.

I felt such a firm grab from my scalp as I heard the Grand Emperor's voice close my ear, "Now tell me, woman, what's your genuine aim."

I only cried, and that's all I could manage.

I heard the Emperor ask in the coldest voice possible, "What's wrong, Y/n?" "You can't respond to a question this simple?"

He wants to hear my justification,

"She's a traitor just because she has nothing to say–."

"I'm speaking to her, so be quiet!"

He yelled at his grandfather, which surprised me as well. Was he frustrated?


My heart was thumping so quickly that I trembled when he yelled again. He's furious and wants to murder me, just like they all wanted to!

I decided to fire my last shot, I told him the truth, "I-I only did this for my safety, my lord. My father.. my father is in debt with you as well, I-I'm the eldest in my family, he didn't want me to... to be taken by you, b-but that does mean I'm here to harm anyone. Please, believe me.. I am begging you."

He inquired, "So, you're the eldest who went missing?"

I swallowed, "They merely faked that I'm the second child, and.. and I'm a man.. for my safety." "Y-yes.. I'm the eldest, my parents only has two children, and that's me and my younger brother."

After a brief period of silence, he turned to look at Emma.

He questioned, "You're also participating in this, right?"

"Yes, so please don't harm her. It's my fault that I made her dress like a woman and then abandoned her where you saw her."

The Emperor nodded, turning his head to one of the guards near him.

"Take them to the dungeon." That was the last thing he said, before he walks away from us.

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