Chapter 11

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It's was already passed midnight, everyone's asleep except for the Emperor.

I didn't expect to start the job right there and there, I thought it's going to start tomorrow. But I was wrong.

I'm currently behind a bush, having a paper and a pen with me as I spy on the Emperor.. who's currently sitting on the grass, while he has a lamp beside him.

1:03 am - The Emperor was star gazing under the beautiful sky while his whole surrounding was covered in darkness, he seems to enjoy his time while he displays a pleased expression.

I need to show professionalism when it comes to writing of course, I don't want the Grand Emperor think that I'm stupid.

He's alone, the whole place was quiet. And his lamp is his only source of light, well including the moon. The moon was very bright tonight, that's why I am able to still write down everything.

I looked over my paper, reviewing the other things I wrote in this paper, the whole time I was spying on him.

I was making sure that there's no grammatical mistakes, I really want to leave a good impression to the Grand Emperor, giving him the vibe that I'm cool and professional.. you know?

Anyway, I was moved when I saw the Emperor standing up as he pick up his lamp. But his face seems uncomfortable as he was looking around..

"Who's out there?" He shouts, which made my heart beat started to race. "Show yourself, or else I wouldn't hesitate to harm you!" He warned.

Did he noticed my presence? That's impossible, I was being careful and I swear he never noticed me. Did I failed to hide myself?

"I apologize, Shuji-sama."

I was cut off with my current almost mental breakdown when I heard a familiar voice. I glanced at the Emperor once again, and saw number 1 walking up to him.

Shit, I have to write this down!

1:07 am - The Emperor was about to leave this place when he noticed someone's presence, and there appears one of his slaves. Approaching him to start a conversation with him.

I pay attention more to them, I really feel like a very skilled spy right now.

"What are you doing out here this late?" The Emperor asked.

"I couldn't sleep, I was thinking about you.." She chuckled, in a flirty way.

"Oh, alright." The Emperor seem to pay no attention to her, as he was about to leave.. but she stops him.

"I'm so glad that you finally noticed me, even though there's other girls in that room with us. I didn't mind at all, because I was delightful that you finally noticed me." She said, placing her palm on her chest.

1:08 am - The woman confessed her adoration of her overwhelming feelings when the Emperor finally notices her, but the Emperor was quiet.

"I'm going to try my very best, to be the last girl standing. Because I want to marry you, I want to be with you forever." She smiled, I can see that she's almost in the verge of tears.

"Is that all you needed to say?" The Emperor asked, in a cold tone. Which is his normal tone.

"Yes, I'm just happy that you finally not-"

"You may leave, now." The Emperor cut her off.

1:09 am - The Emperor completely shuts her down, it seems like the Emperor has no interest on her. Which made the woman feel an agony.

"I understand, I will see you tomorrow." She lowered her head, before finally leaving the Emperor alone.

It feels like I just witnessed a drama.

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