Chapter 6

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"Right away, my lo-"

I feel to the floor as my knees weakened, I didn't know what happened. But I'm guessing is the pressure, and the room is really suffocating.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Itsuki came towards me instead of getting the fake hair. "What's wrong with you? Your breathing is heavy."

I held my chest, I had a hard time breathing as my throat began to be dry. Being in the same room as these two is always suffocating, but I never knew that it can be this suffocating.

"Bring me the damn wig!" The Emperor stomp his feet to the floor as he yelled, both me and Itsuki flinched became of his sudden outburst.

"Y-yes, my lord." Itsuki immediately stood up to get what the Emperor requested, leaving me there almost out of breath.

Please, this can't be happening. Should I make a run for it? He's going to kill me if he finds out..

"Oh my God! What have you done to him!" I heard Emma's voice suddenly interrupting as I also heard her running towards me.

"Hurry up, Itsuki!" The Emperor yelled once again.

"Come on, Y/n. Let's get out of here." Emma whispered, helping me to stand up.

"Stay. Don't move." The Emperor stop us both, I was literally shaking in fear as I saw Itsuki with the fake hair I used last night.

"Shuji, enough! That's my wig, give it back!" Emma yelled at him, still holding me in her arms.

"This wig looks exactly like her hair, have you not see her?" The Emperor's question was for me.

It sort of lighten up the heavy burden I have in my chest. I immediately shook my head, saying that I had no idea about this woman..

The Emperor then threw the fake hair in front of Emma, which ruins the proper style of it.

"There, now both of you leave." He demands.

"You're insane for this, you're going to pay about everything you have done today!" Emma screamed at him, but the Emperor shows no interest about what she just said.

Emma then picked up the fake hair on the floor, as she helped me stand up. Before leaving the suffocating room at all once, I don't even wanna go back there.

But before we both finally left the room, I heard something that made me even more terrified than I was before.

"Itsuki, investigate the disappearance of the eldest daughter of the L/n."


She didn't disappear, she's literally in front of you.

My dad showed to everyone that his eldest daughter disappeared right when I was born, which is the same day as my mother died. I didn't know how my dad pulled off the lies and faking my identity.. but he manages to.

Now, the Emperor is investigating about my own family. He can literally learn the truth in split second, this new information I got kept me from working like how I used to.

Days had passed, they never stop looking for that woman. And I never saw Itsuki as well, which only means one thing. I couldn't even sleep at night, knowing that maybe the next day they would know everything.

"Y/n, I think we need to talk." Emma seems so serious about this topic that she wants to talk about.

So we decided to head back to her room to have a conversation. I can tell that she's still worried about the embarrassment that the Emperor has put into their names.

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