Chapter 24

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"Ken! Baji–."

"Where are you 2 going?"

Emma was cut off when someone in a deep monotone voice spoke, as I also felt someone grabbing me by the wrist.

Me and Emma glanced behind me, as our eyes grew in horror when we both saw the Emperor, behind him was Shun, having this cocky smile on his lips.

I glared at Shun, only for him to mouth the word 'ugly' before sticking his tongue out to annoy me.

"S-shuji... what are you doing here?" Emma laughed nervously, as she was scratching the back of her head.

"This is my festival, and don't change the damn topic, Emma!"

"Well.. uhm, me and Y/n, uhm... m-me and Y/n are going to go to–."

"My friends." I cut her off, almost forgot that this girl can barely lie to him.

"Your friends?" The Emperor raised an eyebrow on me, scanning my reaction.

"Liar! You don't even have friends!" This childish Shun came to add his comment, well I was rather offended than annoyed.

"I do, and they're over there." I proud said, pointing at Emma's lover, and the guy next to him.

Their eyes shifted to the people I pointed. Ken and Baji, well that's what Emma called them– they're both chatting and hasn't even noticed us yet.

"Your friends are male?" The Emperor asked.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

"Shuji, you're letting this poor ugly girl talk to you like that?! It's so disrespectful! Have some respect to your Emperor!"

Shun is literally the one who's making everything worse, he's like the little devil of the Emperor.

"How come Emma was the one leading you to your friends, Y/n?"

"N-no! She's actually leading me to the vendor next to them, my friends just happened to be next to where she wants to go." I explained.

The Emperor shifted his eyes back to Ken and Baji, he even squinted his eyes as if he's scanning their whole body or something like that.

"Hmm.. these people are not from here, how did you become friends with them?" He asked, calmly, glancing back at me.

"That's not the point here, the point is I want to go now and hang out with them. I'm introducing Emma to them so they can be friends as well–."

"Introduce me too, I want to welcome them in my village. Come on."

I was in disbelief, he walked before us having his stupidly annoying twin brother tailing him. The two of them approached the other two male, Ken and Baji were surprised to see him as they immediately show respect to him.

"My name is Shuji Hanma, the Emperor of this village. And you two are Y/n's friends, correct?"

I saw the guy with blond hair looked confused for a bit, but then Emma motions him to just go along just by using her facial expression.

"Ah.. y-yes! Y/n, she's our friend."

"She?" The Emperor repeated, "She was just recently known as a female, how come you already know that? You're from another village, correct? And it's impossible for Y/n to talk to you, because she's been busy with her job."

You've got to be kidding me right now..

"I knew it! something's not right." Shun whispered to his twin brother.

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