Chapter 8

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I think the Emperor was right, I do have a thick skull. Because instead of responding to him, I just stared at him for a second.. before walking out of the room.

I did heard his furious yelling of my name afterwards, but I continued walking my way for these plates to get washed.

He's so disgusting, doing it with three women at the same time? Now I kinda feel disgusted because of the mere fact that I lost my virginity over that man.

I had this small hatred towards him and those girls for a short while, while I was in the same room as them. I can't explain it, but I just can't stand seeing them like that.

"Oh my God, oh my God!"

I frowned as I saw Emma on the garden, walking back and forth as she was grabbing the edge of her hair due to frustration.

"Emma? What are you doing to yourself?" I was worried, seeing her like this means something is not right.

"Y/n! Oh my Gosh! Grandfather is coming here in a week, he knows about my cousin's insane doings to find that woman!" She almost yelled, I can tell that she's very much frustrated.

"Your grandfather? In a week?" I suddenly joined the frustration she has, but for me.. it's more like a fear than being frustrated.

"I'm just going to run away, I can't deal with this!"

"What? You can't run away, I'm sure everything will be okay. If not, then I don't think you will suffer any consequences since you have no faults here.. it's all the Emperor's." I shrugged, calming her down.

"Yes, but what if he decided to take over? That's going to make us all suffer, including you and your family."

"You're overthinking too much, everything will be fine don't wo-"

"Hey you! Pathetic, lowlife, servant!"

I was cut off when someone yelled, interrupting my conversation with Emma. Turns out it was those three girls from earlier, the two of them seems furious while number 1 was just calm.

"Do you need anything?" I asked, giving them a smile.

Which I received a glare, "How dare you refuse to the Emperor? Because of you, he suddenly lost his moods and sent us away!" I think she's 21.

"What's the matter with you? It wouldn't hurt for you to join us, it's not like we have a choice anyway. For your information, I have no plans on sleeping with a lowlife servant like you!" 11 yelled.

"I also don't have plans on sleeping with you guys." I smiled at them, causing them to get more furious.

"The audacity that lowlife men have! You should be lucky that you were given a chance, many guys would die just to touch us!" 11 responded.

Well I'm not a guy though.

"Sorry, I'm not that desperate."

"Hey! Who gave you the rights to shout at my friend? How dare you call him a lowlife servant?" Emma stood up beside me, as she raised her brows to those two girls.

"Emma-sama, I-i didn't notice you." 11 kinda shut her mouth after seeing Emma's presence.

"You don't talk to him like that, show some respect. If this happens again, I'm making sure that the two of you will be gone for good!" She threatens.

"But Emma-"

"Shut up, let's go back to our rooms. Stop wasting your time for someone who isn't worthy of time." Number 1 cut off 21, as she still has a calm expression.

She didn't wait for the two, instead she started walking away first. Having those two follow her along, while Emma kept her sharp glare at them.

"Fake bitch." Emma rolled her eyes.

"I think number 1 will be the Emperor's future wife." I said, still looking at their disappearing figure.

"Either way is worst, I honestly preferred you if my cousin was just nice. Anyway, she's nothing but a fake so she will definitely secure that spot."

"Number 1 is fake? What do you mean?"

"She always acts like that to hide her true personality, she's been obsessed with my cousin since we were kids. So she wouldn't let anyone get into her way of having him." Emma said, shrugging.

She's always calm and collected, barely spoke a word to anyone. She don't even ask any help from me, we never even had an interaction.

"Then she would be a perfect match for your cousin if we're talking about bad personalities." I chuckled.

"I agree to that." She laughed.

"Anyway, I have to go. I need to do a lots of work today."

"Yeah, come over tonight.. I need to try out a new make up look on you!"


"You and Emma, seems close?"

I paused from cleaning the ladies table as I heard a soothing voice beside me. When I take a glance, I saw number 1 standing next to me, serving such incredible beauty just by existing there.

"Yeah, the Emperor introduced me to her." I proceeded to wipe off the table.

"I heard from someone in the village that they saw Emma with that woman.."

I frowned, "Emma has a lot of friends, and I have no idea which woman are you talking about.."

I don't need to put formal words when speaking to her, since she's considered as one of the slaves even though her family is filthy rich.

"That missing woman, that Shuji-sama is currently looking for. Since they saw her with Emma, and you're close with her... I'm sure you have an idea who she is?"

This is honestly the first time I've ever heard her speak this long. She's usually quite, and from the way she speaks.. I think Emma was correct.

"Emma never mentioned that she's close with that woman, in fact she even convinced the Emperor to stop searching for her.." I responded.

"Plus, the investigation of your family is also the topic of most people. Tell me, what's the truth about your sister's sudden disappearance?"

I rolled my eyes in a way that she wouldn't be able to see it. I'm getting more irritated by her questions, it's like she's trying to catch me or something.

"She's been gone for 18 years, my father don't even talk about her.... so should you." I finally faced her.

Her aura is calm, but you can feel that she's hiding her true personality. She's a beautiful woman, but that's useless if she has the worst personality.

"Alright, I understand." This time, she was finally about to leave..

"So, did I passed the job interview?" I asked.

"What did you just say?" She turn to me, with her brows slightly lifted.

"You had so many questions, I thought I was being interviewed." I shrugged, chuckling after that.

"Your attitude is different than the males I know, you act like a woman.." She said, smirking.

Her statement kept me silent, as I stood there just having an eye contact with her. She then looked at me from head to toe, before opening her fan as she started walking away from me.

Tsk! She's getting into my nerves, I can't risk anyone suspecting me. Especially I don't know what she's capable of, she might send someone to spy on me.

She's really a perfect match for the Emperor.

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