Chapter 7

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"My lord, I'm a male.. you shouldn't be doing that to me in the first place. I can call one of the ladies-"

"Fine, it doesn't matter. I'm just asking." He cut me off, finally distancing himself from me. Which made me release a breath.

I was nervous that he might see me down there.

"Now that you mentioned it, who should I eliminate next? You seem to know them more than I do?" He asked, after returning to his original spot.

I can't believe he's putting the decision to me, I don't even wanna see any of them being killed.

"Is it really necessary to kill them? Why not just send them back home?" I returned the question back to him.

"Yes, if I were just to send them back home.. then they will do things I hate so they can go home. Use your brain, Y/n."

Okay, now that got me speechless. He just indirectly called me stupid..

"Ahh, I see.."

I wanted to go now, but I can't. Because if I leave this hot spring then he will see me naked, I have to wait until he leaves first.

"Itsuki sure is taking his time investigating on your family.." He said, resting his head on the wall behind him.

"Why did you sent him to investigate on my family, my lord?" I'm slowly loosing respect towards him, the fact that I remember that he's currently investigating over my family is just straight up, insane.

"A disappearance of an unknown eldest of your family, nobody in town has ever heard of her, nor see her.. that sounds suspicious to me." He shrugged.

"Well, what are you trying to apply?" I raised my brows, as my town started to get serious.

"That you and your family are hiding a huge secret, and that secret revolves around... you." He said, pointing his index finger on me.

I frowned, "And if we're not hiding a secret, wouldn't be such a waste of time to send Itsuki to investigate over us?"

"If you we're not, because the thing is.. you are. So I am not wasting any time, Y/n." He gave me a sarcastic smile, which pisses me off.

"Why are you so eager to know about my sister? Can't you just let her at peace? The person is already gone 18 years ago.. and you're still digging over the past!" I didn't even realize that I am raising my voice to the emperor with no show of respect.

"Come on, Y/n. Don't act like you have an older sister in the first place." He laughed, devilishly.

Which made my eyes widened, what do he mean that? Don't act as if I have an older sister in the first place?

"I-i have an older sister! And she disappeared 18 years ago!" I sounded so defensive without realizing it.

"You have an older sister? Or you are the older sister?" He smirked.

"What..." my heart started to pound fast as if its going to come out of my rib cage. His words caught me off guard, I didn't even know how to respond to that.

"I'm just joking, chill out." He chuckled, "There's no way you're the older sister looking like that." He then started bursting out laugher as I maintain my gaze at him.

I don't believe him, he knows something and he's just making me think as if he don't know anything about me. He literally sent Itsuki, Itsuki is his right hand, Itsuki is the greatest.. he can literally know my whole story line within seconds.

"My lord, is there any way that I can pay off my father's debt without needing to see your face?" I was blinded by anger, I couldn't take this anymore.

The Emperor suddenly stop laughing as he gets serious as well, I feel so insulted even though he did nothing to insult me.

"Have some respect, you're talking to the Emperor of the village, Y/n." His voice was low and serious.

"Didn't you just told me to loose the addressing, Shuji?" I raised my brows on him, which made him change his facial expression.

"You have a thick skull to talk to me like this, I'm impress but that doesn't mean that I like it. You'll see what I mean, tomorrow."

And with that, the man rose from the hot spring as he picked up the towel he has. Before leaving me there, not even giving me a single glance.

I can finally breath fine, after he left. I just can't believe that I did another stupid mistake, I guess this is what it feels like to have someone accuse you of something you didn't do.

But in reality, his accusations were true. I am the older sister, he's not wrong on that part. I feel so angry when he rub that on my face, when I'm right here.. spending most of my life pretending to the gender I'm not.

I want to be like other girls too, I want to have long hair and wear dresses and make ups. But I can't, and that's because of him.

It's his fault that I have to adjust with this lifestyle that I never wanted in the first place..


"Y/n, the Emperor has requested for you to clean up after his meal."

Is he going to start making my life in even more hell now? I guess this is it.

I nodded my head to the old lady that informed me that, before I started walking over to the throne room.

Well, I've been looking for three girls. They're missing, but I guess the Emperor is always the top priority here.

"I'm coming in." I said, after knocking.

I didn't heard anything, so I just decided to let myself in. But I literally regret that, when I saw him being accompanied by the three girls missing.. and what I mean by that is.. they're naked.

I gulped, I need to finish what was asked, fast. I don't wanna see the whole thing, I'm clearly disgusted.

I crouch down on the level of the Chubudai as I started to clean up after his meal. I started off by putting the leftover foods at a plate, then stocking the plates on top of each other.

I couldn't help not to cringe when all I can hear are kissing sounds, and the moans of the girls. I'm having the feminine urge to just cut off my ears and put it back once I left this room.

"Hanma-sama, do you really mean it when you said that we're your favorites?" It was a girl's voice, asking him a question.

I took a quick glance over them, so quick that I managed to know the number of those girls.

1, 11 and 21.

They're all beautiful ladies, the one that caught my attention is number 1. She's an elegant woman, she doesn't like talking to other girls and she's always perfect when it comes to the task.

I heard from the others, she's from a wealthy family who decided to participate here. Because she wants to be with the Emperor, and she's willing to win this.

I can already see her winning anyway, so it's pointless for the other girls to be here. He can just straight up have her, instead of doing this whatever you call this competition.

Anyway, once I'm done. I quickly gather up all the plates as I stood up, ready to leave. But of course, the Emperor always has to stop me.

"What can I do for you, my lord?" I forced a fake smile as I look at them, feeling disgusted.

"Come, and join us."

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