Chapter 12

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"Emma likes make up, especially those that has a pretty design." I suggest, while he was taking his time.. inspecting the make up laid in front of him.

"None of these are pretty." He respond.

I looked over the vendor, and mouthed 'sorry' to her as she smiled and motioned me that it's fine.

"Here, I'm sure she will like this one." I said, picking out a red lipstick that has like a coral design.

These make ups are so advanced..

"What is this thing that they call, the right shade?" He asked me, looking confused.

He's cute.

"As much as I remember from her, it's like a color that will suit her face..?" I'm not even sure myself.

"I see.. then how will I know if this shade suits her?" He asked, once again.

"Well, you and Emma has the same lip color when it comes naturally.. here, let me try it on you."

I think I was getting a little comfortable around him, I can't understand the feeling.. but I feel like he wouldn't harm me as long as he knows that It's me, the male Y/n.

Anyway, I took off the lid of the lipstick, rolling it to reveal the lipstick itself. I was hesitant, but I wanna try it.

I held the Emperor's chin as I gently started applying the lipstick on his lips, his lips aren't chapped like the other males.. it's pink and it looks soft.

"Do this." I said, pressing my lips together multiple times like what Emma made me do when she first placed lipstick on me.

The Emperor did what I said, the lipstick suits perfect on his lips. Which means it will suit perfectly on Emma's.

"We're taking this then." I smiled, showing him the lipstick I picked.

"Okay, what else?" He asked.

I covered my mouth and looked away after seeing him with the brightest shade of red lipstick, I was holding my laughter because he reminds me of his slaves.

"What's so funny, Y/n?" He frowned.

I shake my head, as I was in the verge of just bursting out laughter because of his face right now.

"N-nothing, my lord. Perhaps we should move on to a next product?" I changed the topic.

He seems convinced as he fixed his eyes once again to the make ups. I even saw the vendor lowering her head as she covered her mouth as well.

"What is this?" He pulled out a palette that has the color of pink inside it.

"I think this is what they call a blusher?" I'm also not sure, which is why my statements turns into questions.

"What is that? I wanna try on your face, so we're even." He playfully rolled his eyes, opening the palette.

My eyes widened on how hard did he brush his index finger against the powder blush, creating a deep pigment on his finger.

"My lord, I don't think-"

"Come closer." He demands, which I didn't had a choice to say no.

I leaned closer to him, as I felt him sliding his index finger across both of my cheeks. I frowned because that is not how Emma did it back then.

"You have you blend it, my lord." The vendor spoke, giving him the right idea on how to use it.

"Ahh.. I see."

I was surprised when he placed his hand on the back of my head, as he started blending the blusher on my cheeks with his bare hands. I couldn't help not to close my eyes because of how harsh he did it.

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