Chapter 21

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"M-my lord, I-it was you." She turned pale after realizing that it was the Emperor all this time. "Hey, go use the bathroom. B-bye!"

I was the one to turn pale this time when I met eyes with the Emperor as soon as that lady just ran out of the scene.

"So you've been listening to my arguments with my brother?" He went straight to the point.

I awkwardly stood up and bowed to him, I can't even make eye contact. Sweats are starting to build, because besides that I'm under pressure, I also need to go to the bathroom.

"I apologize, my lord."

He just looked at me up and down, before turning his back at me as he started to walk away.

After hearing his argument with Shun, I know that he feels bad, because Shun's words did stung.

"M-my lord!" I called for me.

"What is it?!" He sounded so strict, like those teachers who beg to disagree you correcting them.

"I don't think Shun-sama mean those, I'm sure he just let this emotions take over him. H-he loves you, and I think you're just doing this for his own safety, since I think.. being an Emperor is a dangerous and hard job." I said, sounding as if I already grew a close bond with him.

He didn't respond quickly, I had a view of his side profile as he was listening to me while I face his back. I saw his eyes glanced to the floor before fixing his head straight.

"Go to the bathroom, I don't want you shitting on the floor."

My face suddenly started burning due to embarrassment, I was dumbfounded while watching him walking away.

My stomach then growled again, enough for me to obey its commands as I quickly flew to the bathroom next to me.

And yeah, I felt better when I left the bathroom.


"Y/n, leave those. I wanna go hunting."

I was currently scrubbing the hallway floor when the Emperor steps in to interrupt me, I was a bit annoyed since he stepped on the floor I just scrubbed.

"Yes, my lord. I will just go get your horse and another ho–."

"Forget it, it's already been prepared." He cuts me off.

Come to think of it, his outfit is indeed ready to go hunting, I would most likely look like a servant next to him, I mean I am though.. but my clothes are dirty due to these cleaning.

Anyway, I didn't have any choice but to follow him. Leaving the bucket and brush to another servant as she was the one who continues it.

I struggle a bit climbing on the horse, but it's not as worse as the first time I tried.

"I hope we can make it to the forest before midnight." He sarcastically rolled his eyes.

Talk about exaggeration.

We arrived shortly at his chosen forest, I haven't been in here before. My other self tells me that he's going to kill me here, but oh well.

I got down from the horse as we both walked further more inside the forest, because there were no sight of any animals at the opening of the forest.

I was looking around, while holding a bow. He was walking in front of me, trying to search as well.

"Tell me, do you get a long with your younger brother well?" He asked, striking up a conversation.

"Yes, we were raised to love each other no matter what. Also, I raised my little brother, and I love him very mu–."

"It's a yes or no question, Y/n."

I kept my mouth shut, "Right..."

It was silent again, it's just us walking. And hoping to find at least a deer like the last time, well, I have no talent when it comes to hunting. I also don't have any interest to it, so I'm leaving it all to him.

"Do you think you will still be close to your brother, even if he hasn't seen you in such a very long time?" He spoke again.

"Yes, my lord."

"What about when you get married and relocated somewhere else?"

"I believe, yes, my lord."

"Just incase this scenario happens, for example he grew hatred on you for leaving him, so you can fulfill the duty given to you, what will you do?"

"I will–."

"This is nowhere related to me, just to make myself clear."

I chuckled silently, because he was being defensive. Yeah sure, this is not related to you even though I heard your whole argument with your brother.

"Are you asking for a friend, my lord?" I teased, but I don't think he noticed that.

"Y-yes, it's for a friend." He cleared his throat.

"Well, perhaps your friend's brother also told them that he wants them gone?" I asked, teasingly.

"Sure, yeah."

I smiled because of how hesitant he sounded, it's quite a bit cute, not even going to lie.

"Well, my lord. Tell your friend, to patch things up with their sibling. It's not okay when they have hatred towards one another. Duties are very important, and so is having a good relationship with your siblings. Step on your pride, to be in good terms with your sibling. Apologizing plays a big role to this, perhaps explaining why you can't do certain things for them calmly.. not yelling."

"Oh.. alright. But still, this is not related to me." He defended himself so easily.

"My lord, I'm not even thinking that this is related to you." I chuckled, looking at his broad back.

"I noticed how you lost weight ever since the punishment started, are you still eating your meals?" He changed the topic quickly.

His question is making me feel as if he's concerned about me, but why would he?

"There's about 10 or more chores I have to do each day, back then.. my only job is to look after the ladies, and do some additional task from you or the Grand Emperor." I took this as a chance to complain, maybe he's pity me?

"Well, you deserve it."

I guess not then.

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