Chapter 26

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"I just wanna go home to my grandmother." He whispered, as he had his head buried on my stomach.

I was also surprised when he placed himself in front of me, laying on his chest at he hugged my waist. He had his face buried on my stomach, as I sat there in an Indian sitting position.

He's acting all sensitive and soft, I can almost call him a big baby. But, he's just tired of everything, and he needs to let it out.

I don't regret going after him, because I get to see this new side of him. He's very childish, and cute for someone his age. I couldn't even see the cruel Emperor anymore, all I could see is a clingy and whiny man.

"Well, my lord–."

"Shuji." He corrected.

I chuckled, "Well, Shuji. I'm pretty sure your grandmother misses you as well, you should go and visit her when you're free. Maybe I can come with you?"

The man just shrugged. He's a busy man after all, I don't think he has the time to travel to another town. Especially the number of the girls are decreasing..

He will eventually get married soon.

"Are you excited? Since you're about to meet your future wife sooner?" I don't know, I felt a slight ache from my chest when I said that.

He was silent, all of a sudden. He didn't respond to my question, as he still has his face buried on my stomach.

I guess he is excited, silence means yes.

I felt drained, this feeling came out of nowhere. My lips were dropped as I just stare at his hair, while I was stroking it.

Why am I being like this? It's not like I care, I already knew that day would come since day 1. So I shouldn't be surprised, I should be happy since I'll be free from getting romantically involved with him.

My father's debt will no longer has sense, since he's already married. The other girls can go home as well, and.. and the Emperor will most likely start a family.

I was lost in my own thoughts, when the Emperor unclasp his arms around my waist, as he picks himself up. His hair was a bit messy, when he sat down in front of me.

I glanced over to him, and saw him looking at me as well. I didn't say a word, neither did he..

We just blankly stared at each other for a good, 2 minutes. It wasn't awkward at all. He then cleared his throat which made me blink a multiple times as I came back to reality.

I was a bit zoning out earlier.

"Remember when I told you, that I can discard those girls for you?" He spoke, opening a topic I didn't expect him to talk about.

I nodded, "Yeah, I do remember."

"I want to do it."


"You heard me, Y/n. I don't wanna be with any of them, I want to be with you instead."

He sounded so serious, which made me nervous. I can't describe the feeling, that is building up inside me. It feels overwhelming.

"Why? Why are you saying this out of nowhere, and as if these words aren't heavy enough to change both of our lives?!" I wasn't aware of how my tone sounded, I was irritated, mad, and annoyed.

But, he just held my hands, smiled at me, before pulling me to his grasp, unexpectedly making our lips touch as the man fell on the floor, having me on top of him.

I immediately broke the kiss, because it surprised me, and somehow made me panic.

"You kissed me back, that means you like me too!" He grins, teasing me.

That's when I felt my whole face turn red, "I didn't kiss you back!"

"You're always so good at lying, come here." He said in a low, and teasing voice.

I felt his palm behind my neck, as he gently pulled me back to him. He closed his eyes as he tilted his head to the side, I just... did the same thing.

He grasp on the back of my hair, as he push me more to him. He had his other hand on my lower back, as we both started to have a hot make out session.

I wanted to be in his touch, I wanted to feel him. Those were the words that are screaming inside my head, the feeling came all of a sudden, I was panicking when we first kissed.. but now, I'm surprisingly wanting more of him.

The man giggled, between our kisses as he replaced it with a more passionate one. I felt his hand from my lower back, sliding down as he lifted the bottom part of my kimono.

I was only wearing panties, that's why he manage to slide his hand inside my panties, feeling his warm palm on my cheeks. As the man started to touch me on my are, from the back.

I would feel him inserting a finger inside my pussy, as he would take it out and rub my clit. While doing this, I broke the kiss as I slowly went down on his neck, I was moving on my own. Licking and sucking his neck and exposed collarbone as the man continues to pleasure me down there.

I gasp slightly when I felt him inserting 2 of his fingers in my hole, I wanted to keep up with him, even though I lack of experience.. the lust in my body was the one controlling my movements.

I want him, I only want him, and I want him to feel that.


I slowly open my eyes, when I came to the senses of being awake. I was welcomed with dark room, the windows are closed, but there's a bit of sunlight peeking inside the room.

I usually get up as soon as I wake up, but when I was about to do that, I was pulled by a strong force, as I heard a groan after that.

My brows furrowed, glancing behind me as I saw the Emperor chaining me with his long arms. I was surprised, and almost forgot that something happened last night between the 2 of us.

I then noticed that I'm naked under the sheets, and so is he. He's still asleep, but he doesn't wanna let me go.

I carefully went back to my position when I woke up, this time I rolled over and faced him. I smiled when I saw how handsome he is even when sleeping.

He had his frown a bit frowning as his lips were at pout, I was completely trapped in his arms, and unable to escape without waking him up.

I moved closer to him, his body heat was warm and comfortable. I feel like being here everyday, if I can.

I figured out he was awake when I felt him placing his chin on top of my head, pulling me even closer as we literally had our body squeezing at each other.

"Good morning." He whispered in his morning voice.

I only smiled, closing my eyes as I felt happy being in his arms. I wanted to go back to sleep again, perhaps make him stay in bed with me the whole day.

I was confused why am I acting as if he's my lover, but I cannot help myself be clingy to him as well. His embrace was warm, and I love it.

I want to be in here forever.

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