Chapter 2

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I flinched when the emperor yelled, calling the name of his spokesman from the outside of this room. I stood there pinching my index finger due to my anxiety growing bigger.

"Do you need anything, Hanma-sama?" He immediately came as soon as called. Come to think of it, I think Itsuki is not just his spokesman, he's his most trusted men.

"Names from the L/n family, now!" He ordered, impatiently as I can still feel his sharp gaze towards me.

"Y/f/n L/n, Y/m/n L/n, and their youngest Y/b/n L/n. This boy right in front of you is their oldest son Y/n L/n, my lord."

I was surprised that he memorized every single member of my family. Even including my mother.

"What's the name of their eldest?" He asked.

"Their eldest disappeared 18 years ago, she remained unknown."

Simply become she never passed away, I'm right here! But I cannot tell them that it was me all along.

"You may leave." The emperor spoke.

I thought he was talking to me, so right when I move to leave this room immediately.. "Not you, you will stay here." He stops me from moving.

Itsuki left the room as he was told, I remained on my spot. Just quietly looking on the floor, not wanting to even glance at his eyes.

"Y/n, your name is very feminine as well.." he said, standing up from his throne as the man grew even taller as soon as he stood up.

I never been this close to him, that is why I was surprised by his height. He later on walked even closer to me, but I kept on looking at the floor.

"Tell me.." he then lift my chin up using his index finger, I met eyes with his cold pair of eyes staring down at me as if I am the lowest person in this village.

"Y-yes.. my lord." I gulped, as I look at his dangerous eyes.

"Why hold such beauty while being in a male's body?" He raised his brows, then a smirk appeared afterwards.

I couldn't find the words to answer him, I was so lost in his eyes that I didn't even understand what he just said. The Emperoe has a very handsome face, I wouldn't deny that.. his voice is soothing as he talks so low.. I couldn't help not to get distracted from what I am here for.

"I have no interest when it comes to man, so do not hold this against me." He added, as I saw his eyes slide down on my lips.

"My lord, I do not understand what-"

I was cut off, when the Emperor suddenly leaned over as I felt his lips against mine. My eyes were wide open as he held that kiss for more than a second.

The Emperor just kissed me..

I am still fazed even when he removed his lips against mine, but his eyes were locked to my lips. My heart began to pound fast as I feel like as if my cheeks were burning.

"You may leave." He demands.

I nodded my head, before deciding to leave that place. I was in pure shock, I even let out a breath as soon as I left the room..

"Your face is red, are you sick?"

I flinched when I suddenly heard Itsuki spoke as soon as I got out from the throne room.

"I am fine, don't worry.. it's just hot in there." I said as an excuse, while chucking awkwardly.

"Hot?" He raised his brows, before to what it seems like a light bulb pop on top of his head as he immediately storm inside the throne room. "Hanma-sama, I apologize for not keeping this room cool!"

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