Chapter 1

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One of the Emperor's guard was left behind just to wait for me pack my stuff. I was really hesitant to leave my family, but things will be worser if I stayed.

"Y/b/n take care of father for me, okay?" I leaned over to give him a kiss on his forehead.

My father was too devastated, so he left to have some space. He really doesn't want me to go..

"Nii-san, you will come back, okay?" He said, holding a pinky promise in front of me.

"I will come back, I promise you that." I replied, sealing the pinky promise as I stood up.. ready to go.

The guard nodded on me, signaling that we should leave. So I said my last goodbyes to my brother, and my house.. before I finally set off.

"You're too skinny to be a guard, so I'm guessing you'll just be a servant in the castle." The guard mumbled, as I was walking in front of him.

Well, I cannot build manly muscles since I was never a man in the first place. I'm still wishing that, the Emperor didn't notice my cover, or else I will be the 101th slave.

There's a difference between a slave and a servant for the Emperor, a slave is someone he tortures and do unacceptable things to them, especially his slave were all woman.. it's much scarier.

I was just gripping at my satchel the whole time we were walking our way to the castle. I was nervous, this day took a wild turn, I never expected things to happen this way.

"He's ordered by the Emperor." The guard who was assisting me said, as the guards assigned to guard the gate blocked my way when I was about to enter.

After confirming my true intentions here, they open the castle gate wide open. That's when I saw this huge castle for the first time, it was big and I can see some servants working all over the place.

"Follow me." The guard said, signaling me to follow him towards the other entrance in the castle.

I think those slaves already started their job, because I've seen some familiar girls in my village around the place. They are all wearing such scandalous clothing, I think the Emperor is a pervert..

"Wear this." The guard handed me a uniform that was worn by the servants I saw working in this place.

I nodded my head, taking the uniform from his hand. But I stopped when the man didn't have any intention to leave this place.

"May I ask you to go out, please? I'm going to change..." I politely asked.

"What's wrong? You're a man, I'm a man.. whatever is in you is also in me." He raised his brows at me, looking up and down.

"I'm just not comfortable-"

"Just shut up already, you better not take your time!" He hissed, before leaving the room, smashing the door after him.

I sighed, whatever is in you is not the same with me dumbass.

I quickly changed into the uniform given to me, it was a male's clothing of course. Because the other female servants are wearing some long skirts, and they're all old.

I put my satchel back as I open the door, "I'm done."

"Finally." He rolled his eyes, "Come on!"

I ended up following him wherever he takes me, he shows me the parts of this castle and open up the discussion about my work.

I'm just basically going to clean the slave's room, give them their meals, and provide stuff they need. So I'm basically more into taking care of those 100 slaves.. good.

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