Chapter 18

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Emma felt better at last after two days. It implies that I'll resume my role as a slave. The Emperor granted her desire for me to be by her side as she recovers.

From today to the day of my death.. It will be terrible for as long as I live here.

"I didn't told them."

When I heard a recognizable female voice behind me, I was in the middle of placing soiled laundry inside a basket. Number 1 was watching me as she leaned against the door frame with her arms folded in front of her chest.

I rolled my eyes and said sarcastically, "Sure, I believe you. " I concurred with her admission.

I continued working while acting as though she didn't exist. This is for the best.

"I said what I needed to say; whether or not you choose to believe me is up to you. What matters to me is that I keep my word."

Even just hearing her voice angered me. I stood up to face her and sternly placed the last load of laundry inside the basket.

"I'm irritated by you, so please don't even approach my line of sight."

This time, she gave an eyeroll and said, "Whatever."

Before departing, she dusted her clothing in my presence and said nothing more than, "Whatever." I can't stand her, and I don't want to further damage my reputation. I'm enraged when I talk to her, and I don't want to take any actions carelessly that may cause me to fall further.

I wash these piles of clothing while stooping to carry the hefty basket. I was halted by a female servant at that time.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it from here, Y/n-chan, the Grand Emperor wanted you to clean up after his meal." She grinned and snatched the laundry from my hands.

"Oh, okay. I appreciate it."

The tasks are still minimal for now. But I should prepare for the unexpected because bad things can happen occasionally.

I quickly made it to the Grand Emperor's room, and as the troops outside had already opened the door for me, I didn't need to knock.

When I walked in, I observed how messy the chabudai was and that he wasn't the only one who had eaten.

I peered in the direction of the Grand Emperor, who I was startled to see in the same space as myself.

When he turned to face me, I avoided making eye contact and knelt down to begin cleaning up after their lunch. In essence, I'm hurrying because I don't want to stay here any longer. The atmosphere in this room is unsettling.

However, what frightens me the most is when I catch a glimpse of the Grand Emperor standing up. I was already aware that he would attack me.

"You foolish bitch, hurry up!"

He threw something hard at me, but it just struck my right arm and flew straight to the ground, causing me to startle. He asked for the utensils, so I started gathering them as quickly as I could.

My hands were trembling, and I was unable to even glance up. My body was beginning to sweat, and my heart was beating quickly.

He yelled again, this time, "I get so angry seeing your bitchy face! You dirty traitor!" He immediately kicked the chabudai, sending the dishes crashing to the floor, and I covered my face with my arm.

As I was unable to move due to his abrupt attack, the tears I had been keeping back began to silently flow.

I overheard him spitting before he stormed out of the room, stamping his feet.

Before exiting the room, he screamed, "You better clean those up!"

As I began to pick up the broken dishes and place them on the wooden tray I had brought with me when I arrived to clean up their meals, I wiped away my tears with my hands.

I continued to flinch anytime a sharp edge of the broken plates would nick the skin of my fingertips, but I bit my lower lip instead of crying out.

I was snuffling quietly as I put up with the discomfort these plates cause me. He kicked the table, which is lucky for me because I wasn't hit.

I'm confused by his sudden range; could it be that the Emperor won't murder me because I persuaded him not to? Back then, he was just so pleasant to be around; now, all of a sudden, he's bursting out.

I was about to continue, though, when I spotted some hands assisting me in clearing the plates. I looked up and noticed the Emperor standing in front of me.

I was too preoccupied with the discomfort to realize that he was still present. I feel like a crying child, I sniffed as I used my right arm to dab away my tears.

He stated calmly, "You didn't use your head again. Why would you pick up sharp objects with bare hands? You're incredibly stupid, Y/n."

Without knowing what to say, I swallowed. He assists me with the cleaning while I just keep working. I think four hands are better than two because we manage to finish it quicker than I had anticipated.

When we were finally finished, I got to my feet while holding the tray. I grinned at him and said, "Thank you for helping me."

He turned away from me and said, "I just helped you because I'm tired of seeing your face. Now get out." He then retreated to his balcony seat.

When I first walked in, he was smoking with kiseru, yet his language is still harsh. I did value his assistance.

I offered him one more grin and said, "Still, thank you so much, My Lord," before exiting the room with the broken plates.

I ran across the same woman who had contacted me earlier as I was walking down the corridor. When she noticed the broken bits of plate on the tray I was holding, she expressed amazement.

I felt her warm palm on my cheeks as she seemed to detect that I was crying and asked, "Oh my, love, are you okay?"

I smiled and replied, "Yes, I'm fine. I just need to throw this in the garbage."

She scowls, glancing at the broken plates. "To the trash?" "No, take it to our room. We can fix that with glue, then we can sell it since.. those plates are very expensive." she said in a low voice.

"Okay then," I said with a chuckle.

Perhaps I can send some to my family so they can use fancy plates.

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