Chapter 27

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"Absurd! This woman is a piece of garbage, my grandson is not going to lower his standards over some poor woman!"

I didn't know if the Grand Emperor woke up bad today, or he just really hates me.

I forcefully closed my eyes, when I felt him pulling the back of my hair, before pushing me on the corner of the room.

Ever since that night of the festival, the Emperor and I grew closer to each other. We would secretly spend time with each other, just talking, laughing, and some other romantic things he pulls off.

I didn't know it would reach the Grand Emperor, I was scared when he suddenly came inside the servant's room, where I stay, and started yelling.

I bite my lower lips, when I felt this pain coming from my right elbow. I accidentally hit my elbow on the edge of one of the bunk bends, when he pushed me to the corner.

"You are not stepping any closer to my grandson, otherwise I will beat you to death!"

I was scared, I couldn't even look into his eyes. Neither do Teru and Akai can do anything to stop him from hurting me, he's the Grand Emperor, and we're just servants.

"My grandson is too perfect for someone as low as you, I don't care if he has interest on you, he just sees woman as mere tools, and foods, he's just using you in a simplier explanation, incase your stupid brain still thinks his intentions for you were real!" He pointed his index finger at me, constantly shouting, and shouting.

The Grand Emperor saw potential on Shuji, since he was a kid. That's why he ignored the rest of his grandchildren and just focus on Shuji, because he thinks he'd make a great powerful Emperor.

That's what Shuji told me.

I thought he was done pouring his anger on me, but then he suddenly went forward to me. Grabbing my neck as he pinned me against the wall, tightening his grab, as my hand wrapped around the hand he used, using my force to pull it away from me.

"You're a whore, a fucking gold digger! You think seducing my grandson will lift you from being a lowborn?! You're wrong! He's going to marry someone like Chiyo, not you!"

The man was choking me, I was kicking my feet due to being strangled as he keeps on throwing harsh words on me.

"M-my lord, I-I can't.... b-breathe!"

I saw pure hatred in his eyes, as I felt his hands shaking because of the force he was using to choke me. I tilted my head upward, gasping for air, but I was having a difficult time.

I really thought I was going to die here, but luckily, someone pulled the Grand Emperor away from me. And there, I literally gasped for air, as I held my neck, while I was constantly coughing.

"Grandfather, why would you do that?!"

It was Shun, who pulled the Emperor away. I saw Akai on the door, knowing that she's the one who asked for help. The rest of the servants inside this room, seems scared, and worried.

I was terrified, I didn't even know my tears were already falling as I gasped for air.

The Grand Emperor said nothing, he just stood up, surprisingly forming his fist as he landed a punch on Shun's face. Shun's head tilted to his side when the punch landed.

"You're the useless twin, you know that, right?"

Those were the cruel things he said, before leaving the room. I glanced towards Shun, saw some blood dripping down from his nostrils as he stood there, no expression written on his face.

"Shun-sama!" Teru panicked, handing Shun a handkerchief, while Akai kneeled down next to me, rubbing my back as she asked if I was okay.

I nodded my head, clearing my throat, as I wipe my own tears, as my eyes were still fixed on Shun. Something inside me just shattered, seeing him like this.

All Shuji's story about him came rushing inside my head, as I remember them one by one.

Everyone around him, makes him feel he's the worser twin, useless, stupid, and weak.. that's what Shuji told me. Shun is desperate to prove something, but he wasn't given a chance to do it.

I stood up, using my shaking legs, "Shun, are you okay?" I made him look at me, as Teru was the one wiping the blood from his nose.

"I'm fine." He said, coldly, slightly swaying Teru's hands away from his face, as he removed my hands on his arms.

Everyone was silent when he left the room, no words can describe how painful he looks. I feel so terrible, he helped me, if it wasn't for him, I'm probably dead by now.

So I didn't just stood there and let these ladies comfort me, I went after him, to at least thank him.

But it was too late, he somehow vanished when I got out of the room.


My punishment didn't disappear, even though me and Shuji had something going on between us, or that's what I like to think.

We would continue to secretly meet, I don't even understand why he keeps doing this, everyone knows that something's going on between us.

Although, it would be amazing, if he would just tell them. But, at the same time, I'm just a servant, he's from a royal family, he's probably ashamed of me.

"Hey, Shun. Do you need help with that?" I asked, as I was gathering water from the well, to give to the horses.

"No, I'm fine." He said, coldly.

He was currently trying to get his horse, on leash. But, it seems like he was having a hard time. That is why I wanted to help him, but, Shun has been avoiding me these past few days, after that incident with the Grand Emperor.

I'll probably be lying, if I said I didn't missed him annoying the living crap out of me, whenever he calls my name to demand me something.

"Uhm, I just wanted to say– thank you. For standing up for me, the other day. I wasn't able to thank you, because I didn't sa–"

"Stop." He held his palm in front of me, "I didn't stood up for you, I only did that because I didn't want my grandfather to suffer another heart attack. You've honestly caused him so much."

"But, Shun. You can't just blame everything to me, the rumors aren't just involving 1 person, it's involving, me and your brother."

"Can't you just find someone else? Anyone else but my brother. Maybe someone who has the same rank as you."

My brows raised on their own, after hearing what he just said. He avoided eye contact, continues with pretending as if he's busy with his horse, ignoring the fact that he just said something to me.

"I'm aware of your brother being the Emperor, and me just being a low born. You don't really have to shove it on my face." I scoffed.

"Me and my brother were raised differently. Ever since we were born, everyone knew he would be a great leader one day, that's why he's been the center of the attention since then. Everyone pretended I was invincible, until now. And since people keep rubbing it to me that, he's the better twin, the smarter, more mature, responsible, and just perfect. I... I want nothing but the best for him, that also includes his future spouse. Like my grandfather, I don't want him to end up with someone like you.."

He seemed to have a hard time, saying those words to me. I can see his hands shaking, as he raised them, his eyes were constantly avoiding mine, as I can see bits of regrets in it.

"You know, my father always told me to see brighter side of somebody. You don't mean any of that."

"How do you know? You can't read minds."

"Maybe I can't. But I know you just want your brother to be happy, you don't really care who ever he marries.. as long as he's happy."

His eyes changed, as he slowly glanced over to me, with a surprise expression. Later on, changed when he realizes that we're staring at each other's eyes.

"Stop assuming too much, I want my brother to be happy, with someone who isn't you."

And with that, he climb on his horse, hitting the leash as he left me there.

I stared at him until he left the barn, I couldn't help not to smile. Because he's not very good at lying, I was right.

He just wants his twin brother to be happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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