Chapter 19

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a/n: so sorry for the super late update, but I hope y'all enjoy this!


"Wow, the cracks aren't even visible." I was amazed as I lift the newly fixed plate to the air, pointing it to the light and saw no visible cracks to it.

"I know, that's why we can sell this to the people in this village. We can make some pocket money out of these." The old lady gave me a smile as she continues to prep the side of the unglued plates.

"Do you do this often?" I asked.

She nodded, "Back in the days, the Emperor really has a very small temper. Breaking things is his way if showing, and releasing his range."

I nodded as an answer, I started looking around the corner of this room. It's like dark, and only has one light bulb to bring some dim lights here.

"Why does it feel like.. we're doing something illegal?" I whispered to her.

She chuckled, "I choose this corner, because it's unsafe to work with sharp objects where people sleeps you know?"

This old lady is best friend level, I'm starting to like her. Plus, she's really kind and funny too.

"Is it okay to sell them? Wouldn't the palace find this as stealing?" I asked once again.

"No, I've been doing this for a long time now. The royal family wouldn't even care about broken things anymore, they just discard it. And that's when we fix what they broke then sell them!" She let out a small evil laugh, which made me chuckle along with her.

"Well, I cannot stay here any longer. I still need to look out of those girls." I stood up, as she hummed in response. She was too focused on glueing the pieces back together.

I almost forgotten about those girls, I could get in so much trouble if I didn't hurry. During this time, they're usually done with lunch so they'll be training.

I ended up in the huge dinning room, every ladies are already seated, and practicing some table manners.

I stood up next to their teacher as she keeps on yelling on some girls who do things wrong, she's very strict, also a perfectionist.

"You're not supposed to be here." She said to me, I frowned and look at her with pure confusion written all over my face.


"You're supposed to be outside, cleaning some horse shit. Now go! Unless you want the Grand Emperor to get mad again."

I didn't argue, I obeyed her and exit the room, walking my way to the barn where they keep the horse. I can't believe I'm doing this. The Emperor was really true to his words, when he said he'll make my job harder than anyone else.

Usually, there's about 2 to 4 servants cleaning the horse waste. But since it's a punishment, I have to do this alone. I wish I could complain, but it's not an option.

I started to scrape off the dry fesses first, putting it in a pile so it will be easier for be to discard later. It took me about an hour to do that, because of the number of the horses.

Some of the cage were empty, probably because they're using the horse inside that cage. But still, empty or not I needed to clean it.

At this point, my nose was numb to the smell. I was near to throwing up earlier, but now I feel completely fine.

Anyway, I was scraping off the last cage when I noticed my sleeves being pulled. That's when I noticed a horse slowly chewing on my sleeves.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him, as if he's going to answer back. "Well, I guess it's also my obligation to feel you guys."

After scraping, I started dumping a bucket of water on each cage floor. Then proceeds back to scraping the excess, after that I took each horse out their cage to clean them up.

I'm not even sure if this is the right steps, I lack of information on how to take care of a horse. But I did it in a way I can do.

The last thing I did is feed them, before finally leaving the barn after hours of being there. I'm honestly exhausted, my legs are shaking, I feel like they're going to give up any minute from now. My eyelids too.

But I was soon awoken when my body hit something hard, and a sound of a wild horse was heard as I was knock down on the ground because of the impact.

I opened my eyes, and saw a white horse in front of me. I quickly stood up, thinking it got escaped, but the thing is.. this horse is different from the rest.

Soon, I heard some groan, looks like someone's in pain. My eyes quickly searched wherever that noise is coming from, and to my surprise.. I saw the Emperor on the ground.

"M-my lord." I came to help him stand up, but my eyes widened when I saw the pile of dry fesses under him.

I gasped, accidentally letting go of his hand as he fell even harder to it.

"You fucking idiot!" He hissed, carefully standing up on his own with anger all over his face.

I can't believe I forgot to throw that away...

"I am so sorry, my lord. I-I.. I mean to knock you off of your horse." I had my hand covering my mouth as he peeked over to his back.

"You better clean this up, now!" He yelled.

I wasn't sure which one is he talking about, is it his clothes or the pile?

I decided to go for the pile, I quickly ran to get the equipments to clean this up. When I got back, he sighed in frustration as he started to massage his temple.

And as I was about to clean it up, he grabbed the horse manure rake. I was surprised to see him break the wooden handle and toss it to the ground.

"How the fuck are you going to clean my clothes with that?! You airhead!" He yelled once again.

I decided to shut my mouth instead of talking back, damn.. how many times did he call me stupid this day?

His anger leads to him taking off his clothes, only leaving an inside shirt on. He threw his clothes to the ground.

"Wash that right now!"

"W-well, you could've at least hand it over to me." I whispered, reaching down to grab his top.

He stood there, arms crossed in front of his chest as I went to the well to gather some water. How am I going to wash this without any soap? He wants me to clean it with what?

"My lord, there's no available soap here." I raised my voice for him to hear me.

"I do not care, clean it!"

Wait.. something's strange. The Emperor never acted this childish. I turn to look at him again, and to my surprise.. his hair is quite a bit shorter than before. Did he get a haircut?

I just decided to shrug it off, as I started to place his top to the water from the well. I was a bit disgusted doing this, but it's better than to die.

I was slowly getting some dirt out of his clothes while not having any soap at all, I'm just using my hand. He stood there quietly, still having his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Later on, I saw another white horse coming in this direction. If that's Itsuki.. I don't even know what to do anymore.

"What are you doing here?"

I frowned when I heard that person talk, I was quick to look behind me. It feels like my eyeballs are about to come out when I saw 2 Emperor's in front of me. They both look exactly the same, the only difference is their hair.

"Well, I was about to change this horse when your stupid servant decided it'll be fun to knock me over and make me land on horse shit!" The other Emperor yelled, complaining as he points at me.

Your servant? wait.. I am YOUR servant.

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