Chapter 9

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"Itsuki hasn't return yet, and there's no other servant available than you."

Yeah, I found myself inside the throne room again. I thought I was going to get scolding from what I did yesterday, turns out.. the Emperor is taking me to hunt with him.

"I understand, I will prepare-"

"No, I don't have much time. We're leaving right now."

This bitch- I'm on my period today! I need to prepare some pads incase shits happened. But he's preventing me to do so, he's really a pain in the ass.

I couldn't refuse anymore when he stood up, showing me that he's basically ready to leave. While I'm not.

Usually, when the Emperor goes hunting. He only takes Itsuki with him, since Itsuki is still busy with putting his nose into my family's business. The Emperor has to take me instead.

Anyway, it's a bit of a bummer when the Emperor has to ride a horse while I walk. Don't tell me this is what Itsuki do whenever they go hunting?

I have no experience when it comes to hunting, and I already made that clear to him. He said he only need someone to accompany him, he'll do the rest.

"The more Itsuki stays in your house, the more he learns about something new.. that people don't usually know." The Emperor spoke, as he has his eyes on the road.

"Itsuki stays in my house?" I repeated, looking at him with a frown.

"Yes, I don't want to go into details. But your father thinks that I kicked him out of the castle and he has no other place to stay... and you were the one who told him to stay at your place." He said, in a smirk.

How dare him! He's putting my family in great danger, what if Itsuki harm them? Especially my younger brother?

"You really wouldn't survive without being cruel, huh?"


Let's see about that when your grandfather has arrived, and put a stop on your nonsense searching for that woman who will never appear again.

Time skip, we both arrive in the middle of the forest. He quickly got down on his horse as he has a bow on his hands, he also carries a sword.

I think hunting is one of his hobbies, not quite sure though. But there's no other point for him to hunt except to do it just for his own interest.

"Y/n, get me the spare arrows." He said, almost whispering because he's already targeting a deer.

I didn't respond to him, and decided to just take the extra arrow laying on the grass next to his horse. There's about 15 extra arrows, so I walked over to him as soon as I pick it up.

But it seems like fate doesn't want me to do things without fucking up, when I suddenly felt an unbearable pain in my abdomen, causing me to drop the arrow as I crouch down to the ground.. putting pressure at my abdomen part to lessen the pain.

It seems like the loud sound of arrow being dropped, scared the deer away. As the Emperor probably has his sharp faze towards me.

But that's not what's in my mind right now, it's this stupid period cramps that I'm currently dealing.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I heard the Emperor walking closer to me.

I can't tell him that my uterus is giving me such agony, because male doesn't have one of those.

"S-stomach pain." I barely utter a word because of the pain, I've been experiencing period cramps for almost my entire life.. yet this is by far the worst one.

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