Chapter 13

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It's been 3 days since I had lunch with Emma and the Emperor, my everyday is usually the same. Expect I needed to spy on him.

Me and Emma didn't execute the plan just yet, we don't wanna appear suspicious when that woman suddenly come back, out of nowhere.

Plus, I needed to know in which time she can appear and talk to the Emperor. From my days of spying him, I figured it out that he likes going to the garden, just to sit there and stare at the sky with a lamp beside him.

That's his everyday routine every pass midnight, so that's the perfect timing for her to appear.

Anyway, I was called by him. I have no idea what he wants, but I'm sure he's just going to ask me to accompany him somewhere again.

But before I could even knock, it seems like he has a visitor before me. So out of curiosity, I placed my ear on the door so I can hear the conversation clearly.

"I made this scarf for you, because winter is just around the corner." It was number 1's voice.

"I don't need it, I have several scarfs."

"Yes, but this is handmade by me, my lord. Isn't it romantic for someone to take their time and effort just to gift you something?" She sounded desperate, I do feel bad since all she wants it's the Emperor himself.

"I have so many people taking their time and effort just to put it on me, you're not that special."

Woah.. that must've hurt.

"I also came to return you your handkerchief, you gave this to me the other night that we spend together in your room.." number 1 said, changing the topic.

"I gave it to you so you can wipe your face off, I don't want it back." He said, in an irritated voice.

"I understand, perhaps we can make love again some other night.. just like be-"

"It's not making love, it's just pure sex. Now if you have nothing else to say, you can leave. I have so many things to deal with." The Emperor cut her off.

That's when I decided to stand up straight since the door will be open anytime now. And I was right, number 1's gloomy face welcome me as soon as she opens the door.

She glared at me, "And what are you doing here?"

"The Emperor asked for me." I responded.

She didn't respond, instead she started walking pass me.. bumping her shoulder to mine as she left with an irritated face.

The tone of her voice changed all of a sudden.

I decided to ignore her, as I knock before I enter the throne room. Which I saw the Emperor sitting on his chair, while holding a scarf.

"Come closer." He said, demanding for me to come closer to him.

And so I did of course, "Do you need anything, my lord?"

"Yes, I need you to join me for my afternoon walk." He says, throwing the scarf over to the corner of this room.

She worked hard for that, and it didn't even get appreciated.

"Sure, I will accompany you."


"The servants says they keep seeing you come in and out of my grandfather's room.. why so?" He asked, as we we're both walking around the castle.

"Your grandfather must've trusted me ever since that day Emma has introduced me to him, so he always ask me to do something." I responded, lying.

"I see, but I must warn you.."

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