Chapter 14

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"What did you just say?" I squinted my eyes as I turn my gaze towards her, glaring her as she remains calm.

"What?" She started acting innocent, "I'm just stating facts."

"If you're bored, then go do something meaningful. Don't mess with me, I'm busy with my life.. I don't have plans wasting it on you." I said, pulling her by her arms.

Her words triggered me, I never expected to act like this.

"Oh come on, stop beating around the bush, Y/n. I know your secrets, I know everything!" She yanked my hands away.

"You don't know shit! So shut up!"

"I don't know shit? Then how come I manage to find out that this story about your older sister is nothing but lies, in conclusion.. YOU are the older sister. You're a female, pretending to be a male for your own safety.. am I not wro-"

I couldn't take it anymore, as I slapped her face due to my anger. And her sudden tone of voice, it seems like she's saying this out loud for someone to hear us.

"Stop putting insane accusations over my head!" I pointed my index finger at her, as I looked at her dead in the eyes.

"Are you calling me a liar? If so.. then I'll just tell everyone about it." She pouted, sarcastically doing the beautiful eyes.

"Keep your mouth shut!"

"Stay away from the Emperor!"

I was stopped when she said her demands, is that all she wants? Then fine, I'll give it to her.

"Fine! If you tell anyone about this, you better start praying because I will do sinful things to you that you never will never expect to experience." I said, threatening her.

But she chuckled humorlessly, "Oh, so you dare to give me a threat? Am I supposed to be scared now?"

"Keep your mouth shut, I swear to you!"

Those were the last thing I said, before walking out of the bathroom. Slamming the door afterwards, this is frustrating me.. what am I going to do now?

I can't trust her.

She will expose me, I guess I might have to stay away from the Emperor until everything is okay. Until my father's debt is paid, I wonder how long will I wait.. for that day to come.


"Oops, I made a mess! Y/n-kun, can you clean it up for me please?" I heard number 1 calling me as I was helping 16 with her hair.

I rolled my eyes as I sigh, "Hold on a minute." I said to 16, walking towards the vanity of number 1.

I saw her sitting on the stool, with a mess on the floor. The powder was all over the floor, while this witch has a grin on her face.

"Clean it." She said, pointing at the spilled powder on the floor.

"I will just get a to-"

"With your tongue."

I frowned, glaring at her. "Why would I do that?"

"Because I said so, do it.. or you will regret it." She said, black mailing me.

I glared at her one more time, before I crouch down on the floor. Hesitant to obey her orders, but I have to get use to it from now. She will surely do more in the future, even worse maybe.

I looked at the spilled powder on the floor, I really didn't wanna do it. But for the sake of her keeping her mouth shut, I'm willing to.

But before I could even lean closer to the floor, number 1 stood up on her chair as I felt a cold water was being spilled on my head.

I heard her evil laugh afterwards, the other girls were surprised to see it. I heard their gasped and whispers, but none of them is going to help me.

"You look like a wet rat, so pathetic, filled with secrets, and selfishness. You're disgusting." She said, laughing, after throwing the water bottle next to me.

I didn't utter a word, I need to keep calm. This girl holds something that will surely get me in huge trouble, or even get me killed.

I stood up, releasing a sigh. "I'm just going to change."

I was a bit glad when she lets me exit the room, the other girls did feel bad for me. But they also can't do anything against this bitch.

"Y-y/n? What happened to you?" I didn't notice that I walk pass Emma until she said a word.

"Oh, it was just an accident. It's not a big deal, I promise." I forced a smile for her not to worry.

"Well, I'm glad that I saw you. We need to execute the plan tonight, it's tonight or never." She announced, as I nodded my head.

"Alright, I will-"

"Poor Emma."

I looked behind Emma, just to see number 1 once again. Walking towards us with a cocky grin.

"What do you want?" Emma said, in a irritated manner.

"Your one true friend has been lying to you all along, hiding her real gender-"

"I know who she really is, and I know you know too. Judging with your statement, and if I were to be honest.. I know you're the one who did this to her." Emma cut her off, as she pointed at me.

"And so? She deserves it, with all the lies she came up with." Number 1 rolled her eyes on us.

"Her lies were nothing compared to all the sins you did, and still doing. If you mistreat her again, or even expose her.. I'm coming for you."

"Do it, I don't care. I'm not afraid of you."

"But you're afraid of getting rejected by the Emperor right? Oh wait- that already happened multiple times." Emma let out a sarcastic laugh, making number 1 glare at her.

"Emma, enough. Just let her be." I said, calming down Emma, but it seems like she's not done yet.

"No, this bitch don't know how to mind her own business. So I won't mind my own business as well, tell her secrets to anyone.. then I'll tell the whole village about your true personality. Let's see how much shame will you put on your family's name."

"It's a deal then, but if she keeps flirting with the Emperor.. I'm sorry, but you're getting exposed Y/n. So you can get the hell out of here!" Those were the last thing she said before walking away.

I still don't trust her, "It's a mess, everything is a mess.. I don't know what to do anymore." I said, face palming.

"Don't worry, I got your back. She won't expose you just like that, for now.. let's focus on Shuji first, because he's honest our biggest threat than that bitch." She said, rubbing my back.

"Alright, I will do everything to stop the searching."

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