You Remind Me 3/9/22

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You remind me of my first love
Those damn eyes
Long dark hair
So insecure for no reason
Best sense of style
Good at makeup

You're even like her in the way you care for me
Always there for me
Only a text away
Texting me constantly
Showing me your music
Sending me selfies only I see
I'm literally the only person you let follow on Instagram
Your OnlyFan
That's even a joke she'd make

I think that's why I know we'll be together a long time
She was around the longest
She was the most life changing
She was the most caring

I remember in orchestra
Middle school
When she could tell I was upset
She'd play Bach's Cello Suite No. 1
Because she knew the instant I heard it
My ears would perk up
And I'd watch her while she stared into my eyes
And smile at me
My own little concert

And I still text her here and there
Mostly after I've gone through my old journals
And I find all my writings to her

That's another similarity
She was the only person to touch my journal
My letters to you have become my journal
I only write in there
It's good to write again
You keep my creativity flowing

And when I'm sad
You do similar things
Sing to me
Make up a song just for me
"Pretty Wamen" is your favorite
You constantly call me that
In that adorable voice

Your laugh lights up the room
Your voice is soothing
I can pick your voice out of a crowd
Spot that face a mile away
Know it's you from the back of your head

And you're a rock
A solid rock
And I think that's why God sent you
For so long it's been a back and forth
And continuous stream of loss of people
Mostly because of my growth and change
My busy schedule
My anxiety of reaching out first
And while I'm here mending bridges
You're my rock
You've seen me broken and bleeding
And you took me into your arms
And you wiped away my tears
And told me I'd be okay
And you're right
You caught me when I needed you
And you've told me I've done the same
And now you're never getting rid of me
We'll stay friends

You'll be like my first love
But while she was meant to be mine for a short time
There before my growth
While I was battered and bruised
You're meant for after the mend
On the way up
And baby we're only going up from here
And that's how I know you'll be with me
For a long long time

And so as I sit
Listening to Bach's Cello Suite No. 1
It's only you on my mind
She'd be just as proud of me as you are.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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