Littest Things (4/17/14)

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It's the littlest things about you
That drive me insane
Fuzz up my mind
Disconnect my brain

The curve in your lips
When you don't smile
But you smile when you look at me
So I haven't seen it in awhile

The freckle atop your ear
That little small dot
Sits so perfectly
Right in it's spot

The gold around your pupil
Makes that dull blue
Sparkle in the sun
Like a new tattoo

The faces you make
When I catch your eye
The ones that make me laugh
But sometimes I wanna cry

Even the littlest things about you
Are perfect in every way
How do you manage it
Every single day?

You grab my arm
When you know I feel left out
You make me blush
And keep me near as you walk about

You talk to me at lunch
And make sure I smile
It's something no one else does
It lets me know you're not hostile

You do this to me
Every single day
You make sure I'm not alone
Despite what I say

How could I not love you?
You're keeping me alive
You give me a reason to live
Even when I desperately want to die

(A/N: funny enough, this was written for the same girl as the last one. They're very contradicting and hypocritical. I prefer this one over the last as it shows the good side of me and this girl's relationship, rather than my ugly one sided view of the love she couldn't give me.)

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