Anything For You (9/6/20)

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When you look at me with those eyes
I know I'd do anything for you

The way you stare
So innocent and kind

Those eyes could calm storms
Those eyes could end wars

If only others had someone
To stare at them

To stare at them
The way you stare at me

Maybe they would know
What true love is

Maybe they'd learn to love others
To always be kind

For even when she's in pain
She's caring for others

She puts others before herself
Even those who don't even deserve it

And while I wish she'd only be kind
To those who deserve it

I know her heart is pure
She wants the best for everyone

And when she stares at me like that
I know she feels that way for me

When she stares at me like that
I know she loves me

She wants the best for me
She would do anything for me

Those big beautiful eyes
That I love so much

Connected to that wonderful human being
The love of my life
The one I'd do anything for

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