Unnamed (05/31/20)

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Sun pours through
Your eyes sparkle in the light
I stare deeply into them
Taking them all in

Gosh when you stare at me
I feel so much love for you
The way you look at me
Drives me wild

Your big, beautiful, copper eyes
The way they glimmer in the light
Each speck stands out
Each one perfect

The way they flutter open
Early in the morning
When you're not ready to get up
You just look at me

Those big sleepy eyes
Treading across my skin
You take me in
And shut them again

The way you snuggle into me
The way you grab me
Wrap your arm around mine
And hold it captive

I wish you never let go
I wish you were always in my arms
Clutching onto me
Head laying on my chest

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