Eyes (05/22/17)

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Her eyes
God her sparkling eyes
The stars shooting across
Her beautiful blue eyes

Her smile
Her shining bright smile
The twinkling bright white
The dimples on her cheeks

Her hands
Her perfectly shaped hands
The perfect fit within mine
The gentle touch they bring

But god her eyes
I could stare at them all day
Words cannot express
How fucking beautiful they are

If you'd only see them sparkle
Oh how you'd fall in love too
The shifting colors
Their shining beauty

You'd stare deep into them
And discover her beauty deep within
The hidden things far away
All her secrets hidden beneath those eyes

Her strength buried beneath those eyes
All her love comes through those eyes
The tears and the sparkles
The beauty and strength

And while this wasn't suppose to be
A poem about her eyes
That's what it became

But if only you'd seen them
You'd understand

You'd fall in love too.

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