Early Mornings (05/27/20)

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By your breathing
I can tell your asleep
But I'm awake
Staring at you

Staring at the freckles
That dot your face
Your fingers
That twitch slightly

I look at the fish tank
The fish are dumb
They're swimming into the wall

I sit up and look at the wall
Your art is everywhere
Pictures are hanging
There's a whiteboard

The whiteboard is cute
It's reminding you
To be kind to yourself
And to get a therapist

I can't find my phone
So I grab yours to check the time
It's 5am
I take selfies for you to find later

I get up to go to the bathroom
Your demon cat scares me
She follows me to the bathroom
And forces me to pet her

I climb back into bed
You don't even move
You're still fast asleep
Looking cute and comfy

I wrap my arm around you
You wake up and sit up for a moment
Then you lay down on my chest
And wrap your fingers around mine

Your roommate comes home
At least I think she did
I heard the door open
And things moving outside

I fall back asleep
I have a weird dream
I'm in your house
And your cats are screaming

I wake up and remember our night
We spontaneously went for a night drive
You surprised me with ice cream
Then we go to your house and I pass out

Now I'm writing this
You woke for a moment and saw me sitting up
You scoot over and lay on my legs
And fall right back asleep

I think you're waking up
So I'll end this here
You're so fucking cute

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