The Sleeping Angel (6/13/20)

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Her alarm goes off
Waking us both up
Me faster than her

My eyes crack open
Waking from a weird dream
A REM cycle

She always takes longer than me
I'm better at waking than her
I force my eyes to stay open

Even tho I know she won't be up soon
I wake up right away
Hoping she might wake up

I wish to go out to eat with her
But with how long it takes her
I usually never get the chance

She's half awake
Half asleep
Nowhere near ready to get up

Her alarm is two hours before
She even needs to get ready for work
She knows it takes her a long time

I can tell she's really tired
Her eyes barely crack open to look at me
She flips back over barely looking at me

Usually I get half a glance
But this morning she's too tired
To even give me that

She falls back over
The sleeping angel
Going for sleep round 2

Of course she'll only have nine minutes
Till her alarm wake her up again
But boy does she try anyways

Always sleepy
Always wanting a nap
Always wanting cuddles

I wrap an arm around her
My fingers trace across her skin
I don't even get her grunt of approval

She's too tired to crawl onto my chest
She fell right back onto her pillow
Unmoving once she got there

Her sleepy angel eyes closed
Not ready for me
Not ready for the day at all

I press my hand against her cheek
Kissing the other side of her face
She lays, unmoving

No crack of her eyes
No grunt
No movement at all

For she's the sleeping angel
Dead to the world
Only focused on getting five more minutes

I'm probably bugging her
Touching her too much
To let her fall back asleep

I can't help it though
She's just so soft
I just like to run my hands along her soft skin

Her alarm goes off
Goes off again
Another alarm kicks in

She keeps snoozing it
And closing her eyes
Trying to sleep more

I kiss her lips
She very gently
Presses hers against mine

She's getting closer to waking
Waking up more and more
Looking at me a little longer each time

Finally she shuts off her alarm
Her eyes opened slightly
I've been waiting all morning to see them

She decides to sit up
And finally take off her eyeliner
From the day before

Once she's back, she's more awake
The sleeping angel
Finally awake and moving

It's too late to go out to eat
But I don't care
I finally get to see her eyes

They're finally open fully
Staring at me in that way she does
Those eyes that drive me crazy

The sleeping angel awake
With those gorgeous angel eyes
So gentle and kind

How peaceful she looks when she sleeps
But how wonderful her eyes look when she's awake
I think I prefer my sleeping angel
Awake with me

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