Chapter 6: The Avatar in Hiding

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It had been 2 weeks since they had left Ba Sing Se. Time seemed to be moving fast and slow all at once. So far, they had been left alone in the fire nation navy ship. When they passed by another ship, they simply kept moving, not drawing any suspicion to themselves. Sokka, Bato and her father all stayed above deck in full fire nation gear, which they wore at all times just in case. Appa was moved below deck when they saw another ship on the horizon.

Aang begrudgingly stayed with him. He hated the thought of hiding, of the world not knowing where he ended up after Ba Sing Se. When they stopped to gather supplies, Sokka and Hakoda spoke about the whispers they heard. People wondering were if the Fire Nation had captured the Avatar after all, since no one had heard from them.

They had to keep him from blowing their cover on multiple occasions. Katara knew he just didn't want the world to think he abandoned them, at least not again. But the best thing for them would be to move quietly. The more in disguise they were, the better their chances were of making it to see the Day of Black Sun.

Their plans changed after Ba Sing Se fell. They didn't have the resources they did before. The invasion had to be scaled down, but that didn't mean it was pointless. Sokka met with their father every day, discussing models for war vehicles and who they needed to pick up on the way to their vantage point. It wouldn't be the invasion they planned, but it didn't mean all was lost. They still had a fighting chance.

They had already found two old friends in just a short time. Duke and Pipsqueak heard about their plan and decided to join them on their quest, anything to help end this war and save some lives from being lost.

Jet was a casualty that didn't need to happen; an unnecessary death to keep the cause moving forward. Nobody wanted to see anymore friends die.

In the morning sun, they all sat above deck, sitting in a circle with a deck of cards laid out in front of them.

"So when can I make my next appearance?" Aang asked that question every single day since they left Chameleon Bay. Sokka sighed once more. He was tired of telling the young boy not yet, and explaining to him why for him just not to listen.

"Not for a long time Aang... we need to lay low" Sokka explained to him, doing his best to keep his voice level headed.

Aang groaned, "Sokka I don't think you understand! I can't let the whole world think I've abandoned them!!!"

Toph groaned, for being even younger then the boy, she seemed too mature for his hissy fits, "The whole world thinks you were injured in Ba Sing Se" she told him, annoyance in her voice, "If they think you're too hurt to come out of hiding, then they won't expect you on the Day of Black Sun"

"It's a brilliant plan!!" Sokka exclaimed, trying to show the boy the gravity of the situation, even when he knew his effort was mute.

But Sokka's face changed as he looked out to the sea beyond Aang's face.

"Fire Nation!!" he exclaimed. Just beyond the horizon, a Fire navy ship identical to theirs began to come towards them.

Aang went to stand, his glider in hand. But Katara grabbed onto his shoulder, "Aang they don't know we're not Fire Nation" she told him, "Exposing us could put everyone in danger"

Aang want to fight her. She could see the conflicted look in his eyes. But he sighed and followed her and Toph into a cubby hole on the deck, well hidden enough that no one could see them, but they could still see what was happening.

Hakoda, Bato and Sokka put on their helmets before the ship got too close. They covered Appa and Momo with a large tarp, disguising them as cargo.

The ship approached and dropped anchor directly next to their ship. Hakoda stood and watched proudly with his shoulders squared and Bato and Sokka standing next to him the same way.

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