Chapter 36: The Factory Flood

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When they walked into the village the next day, they couldn't believe the difference.

Children danced in the streets and were laughing until they cried. People were chatting and walking around, as if they had not been lying on their deathbed the day before. Some sat outside their homes weaving baskets or making clay pots to sell.

The gang wandered through the town with their jaws hanging low but their spirits high. Katara and Zuko feigned innocence, acting just as surprised as the others. Even though they knew of their good deed, they were still surprised to see just how much it changed the village. It didn't look like a village hit with poverty. It looked like a prospering village that held happy people.

Sokka walked with a conflicted scowl on his face. He was happy to see a better village but intrigued just as to why, "Hey Shu, what's going on with everyone today?" Sokka asked to the shopkeeper.

Shu smiled and sighed happily, "Ah something amazing happened last night. Two great spirits came and saved us last night" he held his hands to his chest as if he were in a wonderful daydream, "Our beloved Painted Lady... and the-" he opened his mouth to continue. But Zuko cut him off before he could continue, "The Painted Who-now?" He asked.

Katara glanced over at him but he shot her a glance, showing he didn't want his fake name to be spoken, at least not to their group.

"The Painted Lady" the shopkeeper repeated, "She's part of our town's lore. They say she's a river spirit, who watches over our town in times of need" he said dreamily, "I always thought she was just a legend. Until now" he turned and looked out on the happiness that practically radiated from the townspeople.

Sokka put his hands on his hips and spoke out, "See we don't need to help these people. They already have someone to help them"

The next day was more thriving then the previous. A statue of the painted lady was placed in the town square, as people clapped and cheered for its installment. The town was buzzing with talk of the painted lady and her loyal sidekick.

Zuko watched it all with a smile on his face. All he ever wanted was to help his people. It was why he decided to go with Katara and the group in the first place. He wanted to help people get over this war.

It had taken too much from them already.

While Jang Hui was hit hard by the war, they weren't the only ones. A century of war was beginning to show in the country's veins. Poverty was high. Food was rationed to send to troops and people were going hungry. Men were being sent to fight in a war they did not believe in. It caused more deaths in the field. Poor women were forced to work in factories to make up for the lack of men. As soon as children were old enough, they were shipped off to war or to work. There was no other option.

It was the first signs of unhappiness in the country in centuries. People were starting to lose faith in the monarchy. The fire nation was fighting a war inside its walls. It's people were desperate for it to be over.

But he knew his father wasn't. He was desperate to conquer the entire world, no matter the cost. The war wouldn't stop with Aang's imprisonment. It would keep going until there wasn't a single bender besides firebenders alive.

He didn't need to be a guru to know the affect that would have on the world.

Sokka walked around the village, grumbling. While he was happy to see the depressed village thriving, his suspicions were high. Two days ago, people were dying of sickness and famine. Now, they were running through the streets, praising their loyal spirit for coming to their aid.

He grumbled again, his pessimism showing on face, "If she really wanted to help, she would use her spirit magic to blow up that factory"

Katara and Zuko stopped in their tracks, the idea dawning on them. When they left, the village would again fall into poverty. The river was still polluted. New people would get sick. New people would die. They exchanged a look, both knowing what they had to do.

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