Chapter 31: The Shimmering Egg

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Aang and Zuko left the next morning. They said their goodbyes to the group and climbed aboard Appa's back. They watched the little village get smaller and smaller as they flew away, and engulfed in the blackened forest.

The ride was quiet, tension settling like fog between the two. The two men were still learning to work with each other, rather then against. Zuko hung back on Appa's saddle, looking out into the sky and watching the clouds as they passed. Aang watched Zuko like a hawk. He didn't like how close he was getting with Katara. He didn't like the way he looked at her. Katara was his dream girl. That's the way it was meant to be.

Aang tried to bite his tongue, holding back everything he wanted to say. But the silence got the better of him, "Look Zuko... We need to talk"

Zuko frowned a little at the way Aang spoke. He looked over at him, confused as to what he could be talking about, but Zuko nodded curtly, listening. Aang sighed, "I don't know what your feelings are for Katara... but after this war, her and I are going to be together"

Zuko frowned even more, "I'm not sure what you're talking about..." he looked even more confused. Aang cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "I've seen you guys looking at each other funny... I just wanted to let you know so you didn't get your hopes up"

"You and Katara decided this?" Zuko asked.

Aang nodded, excitedly, "We're going to travel together" he spoke with a big smile on his face, "When this is all over, her and I are going to be together. And I don't want you getting hurt by that. I consider you a friend"

But Zuko countered, "Just because she said she wants to travel with you, doesn't mean she wants to be together Aang. You shouldn't get your hopes up either" he told the younger boy. Zuko didn't have any feelings for Katara, but he didn't want to see the boy get hurt in the process.

But there was a part of him that felt a pit in his stomach at the thought of Aang and Katara together. Why did that bother him so much? Katara never mentioned running off with Aang after the war. Maybe him and Katara had decided to run away together after the war. He had only spoken with Katara so much. But last night they had talked about their hopes for after the war.

"Where do you see yourself?" Katara asked him, "When this is all over I mean..."

She looked at him expectantly. Zuko looked up at the stars, pondering for a moment. After a second, he shrugged, "I don't know... I suppose it depends on where the Fire Nation falls..."

Katara frowned, "What do you mean?" she asked confused.

"Well if the Ozai falls, somebody has to take over the throne..." Zuko sighed, "That somebody might be me..."

Katara smiled back at him, "I think you'd make a great Fire Lord..."

Zuko shrugged once again nonchalantly, "How about you?" he asked her, turning the attention away from him.

She thought for a moment, "I want to settle down... maybe teach... I don't know but I do know that I am sick of pitching tents and traveling... I want a home to go home to"

She didn't mention being the Avatar's girl in her plans. Wouldn't she have told him? They talked for a long time. If she was planning on being with the airbender after the war, she would have told him. Right?

He sighed, realizing he had absolutely no idea if she would. "The point is..." Aang started, "If you do feel that way for her... Maybe you ought to start moving on..."

Zuko shook his head, "Don't worry about it..."

Zuko looked away, back out into the blue sky. He listened to what Aang said, but part of him told him not to listen too hard. He couldn't place why but he somehow knew to shrug it off.

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