Chapter 18: The Maze of Memories

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Trigger Warning: Domestic Violence

She felt herself diving deep into his mind, falling into the traps the mind led her into. This time she knew what she was going into. When she dove into a brainwashed Jet's mind, she was going in blind, fighting at the thoughts that wanted to pull her under too. But now she dove head first, letting his thoughts pull her under.

When she opened her eyes again, she only saw a thick fog surrounding her, his brain wired like a maze of memories.

She took a few steps into the abyss, letting the memories wash over as she passed. She looked around, seeing specks of memories floating in the fog. She reached out and touched one, finding herself falling once more.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself surrounded by tall pillars of red and gold. The ceiling was painted with a talented mosaic, picturing a Fire Nation leader, standing in triumph. She looked a little harder to see the air temples up in flames behind him and had to force herself to turn away.

She heard a familiar voice behind her and turned, taking a few steps down the long hallway to see a much younger looking Zuko, standing in full Fire Nation armor.

"Let me in!" he angrily yelled to the guards blocking the doorway. He stomped his feet, acting very much like a bratty 13 year old, but then again that's exactly who he was at the time.

"Prince Zuko, what's wrong?" She turned to see Iroh, walking towards him. He looked to be younger, but not by much in years. But the lines on his face were less pronounced. Through the years, he grew in stress, but not by age.

Iroh placed a hand on the younger man's shoulder, gingerly.

"I want to go into the war chamber!!" he yelled, pointing to the guard in front of him, "But this guard won't let me pass"

Iroh sighed and tried to talk the younger man down, "You're not missing anything, trust me. These meetings are dreadfully boring" he tried to steer him away from the room, hoping to wean him away from the idea.

"If I'm going to rule this nation one day, don't you think I need to start learning as much as I can?" he asked his Uncle, a hopeful look in his eyes.

His Uncle sighed, seeing how he had already lost, "Very well. But you must promise not to speak. These old folks are a bit sensitive, you know?" Iroh whispered, hiding his mouth with his hand as a General passed, making his way into the war chamber.

Zuko smiled wide and nodded, simply excited for the opportunity. They walked into the chamber, Katara following closely behind.

The room stood tall, pillars holding it together. A wall of fire was lit along the far wall, intimidating the subjects below. Many men were seated around a long table, a map of the earth kingdom resting before them. Little wooden figures indicated different troops, almost as meaningless as the wooden figures that represented them.

Zuko walked in the room proudly and sat at his father's side. Katara noticed the way Ozai turned down his nose at him, as if he wished the boy wasn't in his presence. But Azula already sat at his other side, beaming proudly with a smirk of triumph on her face.

She was already there. Zuko had to be invited in.

A man decked in Fire Nation medals and armor stood at the front of the table. He spoke with a low vibrato, "The Earth Kingdom defenses are concentrated here" he held a long stick and pointed to a wooden figure, painted with the green Earth Kingdom symbol, "A dangerous battalion of their strongest earthbenders and fiercest warriors. So I am recommending the forty-first division"

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