Chapter 59: The Time That's Gone

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Sorry for the delay in this chapter! A lot of stuff going on in my personal life! Enjoy this chapter!

Aang's shock was evident on his face but he kept his stance hard and poised, not letting his mind or body waver. He held out his staff in front of him ready to strike. He narrowed his brows and watch Azula carefully.

Azula laid lazily over the throne. She looked over her well manicured nails and in that moment, she reminded Aang of a feline, laying lazily over her perch but the second he grew comfortable, she would pounce.

"I've known about your invasion plans for months" she spoke nonchalantly. She yawned, seeming entirely too bored. Aang only let a look of surprise show for a few moments before his face hardened once again, "Where is the Fire Lord?"

Azula sighed and got up, "I see my plan to put you all against my brother didn't work..." she frowned, seeming almost disappointed, "He didn't need to tell me anything. It seems he's not loyal to anyone anymore... Shame" she took a few steps in front of him. She moved slowly but Aang watched every move she made, waiting for her to strike. He didn't back down, keeping his feet well
planted. He couldn't relax for a moment; he was not naive to Azula's tricks.

"Zuko is more loyal then you will ever be" Aang spat out at here "He's loyal to his people. To this world. You will only be loyal to yourself" he saw the way her eye twitched when he spoke. It almost seemed as if he had struck a nerve, even if she would never let it show.

Azula was internally fighting every will to ring the child's neck. How dare he say she was not loyal? After everything she had done for her father? Zuko had the chance to be this for their family and he failed. He was the traitor. He was the one that betrayed the fire nation.

She was trying to make this world better. For it to reign in fire. She was loyal to her people. To her father and his goals. The Avatar was just an obstacle in the way of power.

Aang noticed how she breathed through her nose,  taking deep breaths as she gained her composure. Azula took a step to her right, beginning to circle around him. But Aang never let her catch his back, following her steps with his eyes, turning when he could no longer see her.

Azula walked until she stood in front of the entrance, blocking his exit, "I brought back some friends from Ba Sing Se. I'm sure you recognize them." she smirked, crossing her arms.

Suddenly three Dai Li agents dropped from the ceiling, surrounding Aang. But Aang kept his stance, waiting for the first attack.

Zuko looked out the window of the tall tower, seeing the invasion force come into clear view. He could see Appa, pushing against the soliders. He could see the tanks mowing down fire nation vessels.

"Now what do we do?" Toph asked him, "Our job was to get Iroh as far away as possible"

Zuko looked around the demolished prison cell, trying to figure out where they went from here. He suddenly remembered the small whistle in his pocket. He pulled it out and blew as hard as he could.

He saw the way the bison's ears perked up, hearing the call from afar. Appa shoved away the soliders, taking off at a run into the air. Fire blasts bounced off of his armor as he flew.

Appa flew to the window with a nod of his head and a appreciative growl. Zuko helped Toph out first, guiding her onto the animal before following himself.

Katara pushed back a fire nation solider, gasping for breath. From behind, she heard Appa growl before taking off above her head. She watched as he flew towards a tall stone tower; one that she could only assume was the prison.

She smiled; they had found Iroh. They had to have, and they were about to fly to the rendezvous point. But instead, she watched Appa stop at the window before turning back towards them. She frowned, watching as Appa flew back into the battlefield and land just behind the troops.

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