Chapter 24: The Meals for the Dead

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It was the day before Zuko's execution.

A cutting edge of tension lingered in the air. They didn't have much time left.

So many questions lingered in Katara's mind.

Were they making the right call by waiting?

Should they have run when they had the chance?

There was no turning back now.

Katara walked around the prison with her chin in the air. She needed to find Aang. The sooner she found him, the sooner she could get him back to Appa and safe.

The prison held a sense of dread in the air, whether it was the prisoners preparing for the coming execution, or their attempts to avoid said execution, she wasn't quite sure.

She found herself wandering, when she recognized him. His bright gray eyes clearly too innocent to be in this hell hole.

"You" she spoke harshly, leaving no room for questions by other guards.

Aang turned towards the harsh noise, a look of fear on his face. He didn't recognize the harsh tone that Katara used, being one that she never used on him. But Katara noticed when he turned towards her, his features grew slightly softer.

She silently prayed that the other guards wouldn't notice. But when she glanced towards them, she noticed the amused looks on their faces.

It appears their intimate moment had its way across the prison guards. And Aang's longing look was one out of admiration, not trickery.

She didn't let her face change at the realization, "Follow me..."

She briskly walked away from the courtyard and towards the gates.

"I need you to fetch a package for me. Do you understand peasant?" She asked him, demeaningly.

Aang gulped and nodded, "Yes miss.."

He looked around, making sure no one was in ear shot before speaking, "So it went well with the warden?"

Katara bit her lip nervously, "Well... not exactly..."

She cautiously looked around, thinking about the warden's words.

When Katara burst into his office with great abandon, she stood in front of his desk until he spoke.

"Ahhh Miss Fire... Always a pleasure..." he spoke, not looking up from his scrolls.

"I am sending one of your guards to fetch a package for me" she told him, leaving no room for discussion.

The warden looked up at her, slight confusion on his face, "I can't say I understand miss. You are leaving in two days time. What's so important that it can't wait?"

"It is Fire Lord Ozai's orders. Do you wish to disobey him?" Katara spoke, her tone getting more shrill and irritated by the minute.

The warden paused for a moment, and gave her an eery smile, "Of course miss... whatever you wish"

The way he smiled back at her sent shivers down her spine, as if he was looking right through her.

But he couldn't be, could he?

She had asked herself that question ever since she left his office.

"I'll tell you about it later... let's just get you out of here..." she told him.

They walked together towards the gate. An ostrich horse was already being saddled up by another guard, ready to make its departure. Katara sent Aang several bland looks, letting him know she thought this was going to work. But she avoided speaking, just in case the guard was listening in. She couldn't be too cautious.

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