Chapter 52: The Water in a Foreign Land

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The next morning, Hama and Katara left the inn bright and early, before the others were even out of their beds. Katara scribbled down a quick note, letting everyone know she would be gone for the day, before heading out the door.

They headed out to a field of fire lilies, where they wouldn't be caught by the villagers.

"Growing up in the South Pole..." Hama began to explain, "Waterbenders are totally at home surrounded by snow and ice and seas. But as you probably noticed on your travels, that isn't the case wherever you go" she gestured to the luscious grass and field around her, not a single drop of water in sight.

Katara agreed quickly, "I know! When we were stranded in the desert, I felt like there was almost nothing I could do"

Hama turned to her, a smile on her face as if what Katara said proved her point, "That's why you have to learn to control water wherever it exists" she waved her finger as she spoke. Katara nodded again, agreeing, "I've even used my own sweat for water bending" she told the older woman.

Hama smiled over at her, "That's very resourceful, Katara. You're thinking like a true master. But did you know you could even pull water out of thin air?" with that, she made a quick movement with her right arm, manipulating the water vapor in the air and liquefying it. The water coated her finger tips in tiny bulbs of water.

Katara watched the woman in amazement. Hama looked at her, "You have got to keep an open mind, Katara" she froze the water around her fingers, "There's water in places you never think about." She then took the ice spears and threw them at a tree nearby.

Zuko awoke the next morning soon after the sun came up. He felt the first rays of light hit his eyes that morning and he forced himself to stay rooted in his bed. The warmth of his sheets pulled him in, begging him to stay put. But soon after his eyes drew closed, longing for sleep once again, he heard the sound of front door opening and shutting closed, creaking as it moved.

He sat up in bed, waiting to hear any more noise but was met with silence. Rubbing his eyes as he moved, he got up and walked into the main room of the house. He looked around, finding a source to the noise. Sokka stood, leaning over the counter, a small piece of parchment in his hand.

Sokka looked up when Zuko walked in, gesturing to the paper in his hand, "It's Katara... she went out with Hama for the afternoon..." he looked back at the parchment, "She promised to be home by supper..."

Zuko sighed, looking over at the parchment, silent for a moment. He rubbed his face, disgruntled, "Please tell me you're freaked out about this lady as much as I am..." he hoped that Sokka was seeing reason, since his sister wouldn't. Sokka shook his head, "I know I should trust her... being from home and all..." he paused, looking away for a moment before looking back at Zuko, "Something's not right about her..."

Katara and Hama trained nearly all morning, until the sweat dripped from their pores and their limbs begged for a break. They sat down on the ground, looking out across the field of red flowers.

"Wow, these flowers are beautiful" Katara mentioned, letting her fingers delicately caress the one next to her. Hama smiled, plucking one from the ground, "They're called fire lilies" she explained, "They only bloom a few weeks a year, but they're one of my favorite things about living here..." Hama got a mischievous grin on her face, "And like all plants and all living things, they're filled with water"

She made a movement with her arm and used the water she collected from the flowers to cut a rock straight through. Katara clapped a little, smiling, "That was incredible!" she exclaimed, but when she looked back at the lilies, they were shriveled and limp, having all of their water sucked right out of them. Her face fell a little when she looked at the dead flowers, "It's a shame about the lilies, though"

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