Chapter 43: The Pride of a Master

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The walk back to camp felt long.

They walked in silence, too engrossed in their own thoughts to speak.

Aang was trying his hardest not to watch Katara walk next to him. The breeze lazily swept her hair over her shoulders. Her arms swung at her sides as she walked. The path was mostly clear but a few branches stood in their way. He watched as she carefully stepped over them, holding her dress so it didn't catch, each time setting it back down with a huff.

He hoped she didn't notice his stares, not trying to make her uncomfortable. But he couldn't help but watch the way she moved, gracefully but still with purpose. Everything she did entranced him.

Katara did notice, but she was too lost in thought herself to pay much mind to it.

What was she going to tell Zuko?

Her mind was made up. The fate of the world was at risk, but that didn't push away the pit in her stomach; the same feeling that made each step fill her with dread. Her feet kept moving even though there was a part of her that begged her to turn around. If she never saw Zuko, she didn't have to tell him.

She let out a breath as she saw their camp come into view. She recognized the familiar voice of her brother, blabbing away about his lesson with Piandao.

"There you both are!!" Sokka exclaimed when he saw them come through the tree line, "Took you long enough, let's get moving! Chop chop!!"

Katara frowned, as she walked closer, "Where are we going exactly?" she asked him, giving him a confused glance.

"My swords done!!" He jumped up and down from the excitement, "Master Piandao wants to have a super special sword ceremony!"

Zuko hesitated, an unsure look on his face, "I don't know Sokka... if he recognizes me..."

Sokka brushed him off immediately, "Nonsense! He's like 60 years old! Besides, your scar being gone is a good cover" he reasoned, even though Zuko still seemed hesitant. He sighed and nodded, getting his things.

Even though his scar had been gone for a few weeks, the news has taken its time to travel the Fire Nation. Most of his wanted posters still had a scar, making the public confused on his appearance. It was his best cover. There was a chance that his old master simply wouldn't recognize him.

He tried to style his hair different just to be sure. There was a part of him that told him still not to go. But Zuko turned and saw the excitement on Sokka's face. He smiled and went back to prepping his things. Sokka was proud of his accomplishments. It was fair that he wanted the rest of them to be supportive. It was the least he could do for a friend that helped save his life.

Friend still seemed like an unsure term for Zuko. He supposed by now they were his friends. But he hadn't had friends for a very long time. The word felt foreign on his lips. There were few things that he could be proud of in this life. But his friendships were one of them.

And somehow he knew that his Uncle would be proud too.

They packed up their things and put on their best fire nation impersonations. Zuko tried to keep his head down, still nervous about seeing his old master.

They stood in a large room, with pillars on either side of them and large windows that overlooked the town. Sokka kneeled before his master, a proud look on his face. His friends stood to the side, watching him with the same prideful gleam in their eyes.

Katara had to keep her tears at bay, as she watched the brother she grew up penguin sledding with, become a master in his own right. Her only wish was that their father could be there to see it himself.

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