Chapter 65: The Trust We Earn

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The door swung open and light flooded into the small caravan.

When Zuko's eyes met a face he never expected to see, he looked on in shock. All of this just became exceptionally more complicated.

Suki was pushed into the caravan but her glaring eyes were not on the men holding her but the firebender in front of her. Zuko looked back at her, his eyes holding onto a sort of desperation. She had every right to hate him, or want to kill him. She just hoped that she waited until after they were free from these guards.

Zuko's eyes darted past the warrior and took a moment to survey his surroundings. They were a long ways from the palace. He took a deep breath in, searching for the smell of sea salt air but not finding it. They must have traveled west, away from the sea and into the mountains.

He saw the path leading towards the work camp from where the guards had come. If he squinted, he could just make out the tall fences barely peaking over the trees in the distance.

They wouldn't have much time once they started their escape. The noise would draw attention from the camp and they would need to move quickly before more guards arrived. If the camp guards heard the commotion and came to the others aid, they would be as good as dead.

The guard went to slam the door shut but Zuko quickly spoke up, "Wait!" He yelled out, hoping to stop him.

"What's the problem here?" The one guard asked with an exasperated huff.

Zuko, breathing deep and sweating profusely, looked over to Hakoda who was slumped against the wall, "This man here dropped dead. Most likely from heat exhaustion" he wiped his forehead against his shoulder, keeping his hands behind his back as if he were still shackled.

Suki's face fell a little in remorse for the older man, before turning towards Zuko with another angry expression, "What?! You just wanted to be the last one standing? You gonna kill me too?" She asked angrily.

The guard spoke up before Zuko could retort back, "Hey! Shut it you two!" He scolded them before he swore under his breath and threw the girl inside.

Suki fell against the wooden floor with a huff, her eyes never leaving Zuko as she drew daggers into his skull.

Zuko looked back at her, before he forced himself to avoid her gaze. He wanted to explain everything, but he couldn't risk the guards seeing him. He knew that there was no way she could know that he was now on their side. Hopefully, he would have time to explain it to her, and even more so, he hoped that she would listen.

The guard grabbed Hakoda by the collar and pulled him from the truck. As soon as the guard turned his back away from them. Zuko turned to Suki, mouthing the words, "Trust me... please..."

Suki was quiet, her eyes holding onto that anger but now they held a hint of curiosity. She didn't let herself trust him for a moment, but if she had a chance of freedom, she would let it play out, for now anyway.

Zuko looked past Suki again to see the guard throw Hakoda roughly on the ground, taking no regard for the Chief's body. Zuko couldn't help but wince at how Katara's father hit the ground, forced to hold back any movement at risk of blowing his cover.

"Stay here and watch these two" the camp guard told their captors, "I'm going to head back and ask the camp what we should do with this guy" the guard hopped onto his ostrich horse and galloped back to the camp.

The two remaining guards turned to each other, chatting casually about the weather and fire whiskey as if it were an average Tuesday evening.

Zuko turned to the Kyoshi warrior and let out a breath. He spoke quietly, "I know what I'm asking..." he muttered under his breath, opening his mouth to continue but he closed it immediately upon the glare she sent his way.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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