Chapter 32: The Dance Among the Embers

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It had felt like ages that the two had sat there, looking at the sky, unable to move except wiggling their noses and twiddling their thumbs.

By the time that night came, both boys were throughly annoyed with the other. They didn't speak, both stewing in their irritation for the other.

All of a sudden, the two heard footsteps coming towards them, they tried to lean their heads up to take a look at the sound but they were unable to move. Aang gulped out of nervousness.

Gazing down on them, was an older fire nation man. He had kind, but stern amber eyes. His skin was tanned and his hair was dark, and long. He looked like someone from the water tribes, but his garb betrayed that theory. He wore delicate robes that draped over his shoulders but left his abdomen and arms bare. His trousers were a plan burgundy but were glittered with gold trim. His skin was painted in red paint, creating markings across his skin. But most noticeable was the headdress that stood tall on his head. Red and yellow feather adorned the crown, pushing his hair back from his face.

Zuko had seen the pictures in school. Although it had been some time since then, he remembered the uniform very clearly.

Standing in front of them was a Sun Warrior, and the Chief none the less. The two looked at the man with shocked expressions.

"Who's down there?"

Several men came behind the older man, peering down at the pair in mutual interest and disgust. His face was easy to read, repulsed by their presence but it showed a hint of curiosity, wondering why they were there.

He said nothing to them, simply turning to his men and speaking, "Get them out of there", before walking away.

The aardvark sloths worked quickly, devouring the goop that stuck them to the ceiling. A little while later, Aang and Zuko stood in front of a council, while the animals licked the icky slime off of their skin and clothes.

A sun warrior circled them, as if examining them, "You will be severely punished for trying to take our sunstone" he told them, disdain in his tone. This warrior was thin and scrawny, his neckpiece almost seeming too big for him. His mouth turned downward in a scowl, almost seeming too big for his britches.

Aang shook his head quickly, "No please we weren't trying to take your sunstone. We were only trying to learn the ancient origins of firebending"

Another sun warrior with a high-pitched voice shot back, "Lies! They are obviously thieves! Here to take our precious sunstone!" he held up the stone in his hand.

But Aang retorted again, "Please just hear us out... I don't normally play this card but I'm the Avatar..." he told the sun warriors.

The group got slightly quieter and more attentive to the two outsiders. The chief stepped forward from the crowd, narrowing his eyes at the airbender. He turned to Zuko, raising an eyebrow, "And you?" he asked.

Zuko cleared his throat and  spoke up, "My name is Zuko..." he began but was cut off by the same sun warrior, "As in Crown Prince of the Fire Nation?" he asked.

Zuko looked down at this, "I used to be..." he paused for a moment, looking solemnly at the ground. He didn't know what to say to these men. He knew that his ancestors had taken everything they taught about fire bending and destroyed it. He knew he couldn't pay them back for all of that. He couldn't erase the mistakes of his ancestors.

A knot grew in his belly, unsure of the right thing to say. Should he take accountability? Should he apologize profusely? Or would it be best to just let them hang him from a stake in the ground?

Zuko took a deep breath, "I know my people have distorted the ways of firebending, to be fueled by anger and rage" he began, "But now I want to learn the true way... The original way... When we came here, I never imagined the Sun Warrior's civilization was secretly alive. I am truly humbled to be in your presence... Please... Teach us"

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