Chapter 41: The Racing Hearts

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Sokka left for the masters house early the next day. The camp was quiet without him around. Sokka was the one who kept them laughing, even when it was at his faults. He was the one who kept them going. It was why they were shocked when he felt like he didn't fit in. The fact of the matter was they wouldn't be anywhere without him.

Katara glanced around the camp. Aang was practicing his earthbending, picking up rocks and tossing them into the cliff slide. But Toph was barely watching him, picking at her toes instead. But she occasionally sent a rock towards him, most of the time catching him by surprise and knocking him down.

She looked for Zuko, expecting to find him slumped next to the Fire, watching Aang dodge Toph's attacks; maybe even throwing a few himself. But when she looked around, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Anybody seen Zuko?" She asked. Toph shrugged slightly, "I think he went into the woods a little while ago"

Katara looked towards the woods, then stood up, "I'm gonna go make sure he's okay" she called back as she started walking. Aang watched as she walked away, a jealous frown present on his face. But at that moment, Toph sent a boulder barreling towards him. Aang fell back with a thud, sending Toph a frustrated glare.

Katara could hear the earth bender scolding him about paying attention as she walked away.

It didn't take her long to see his red tunic sling against a tree branch. When she walked closer, she found him slick with sweat, his two swords in each hand. He practiced movements she did not recognize, using the swords as an extension of his arm. He moved gracefully, as if it were not battle formations but a waltz instead.

"I can see you there, ya know"

Katara jumped a foot when she heard his voice. She hadn't even realized she had been staring until he spoke. A blush rose to her cheeks as she shook her head, "Sorry..."

Zuko brushed her off with a wave of his hand. He sheathed his swords, "Is everything alright? Is Sokka back yet?" He asked her with a hint of confusion in his voice, not sure when she came and found him but glad she did.

Katara shook her head, "No... I actually just came to find you... I wanted to know you were okay" she played with her fingertips as she spoke. Zuko smiled, mostly for himself, "Well I appreciate it.."

The two exchanged a knowing glance before looking away. Neither had spoken about what almost occurred the night of the comet. It was probably best they didn't, and they both knew that. There was too much at stake at the moment for stolen kisses in the moonlight.

"Piandao taught you well I see..." Katara talked casually, slightly kicking herself at the stupid thing she said. Of course, he taught him well; he is the Prince of the Fire Nation. Zuko smiled again, seeing her expression and how she nervously fidgeted over her words, "Ever used one?" He asked her.

Katara looked at him in surprise, shaking her head, "Sokka is the sword guy, not me..."

He beckoned her over, and she followed without question. He placed the swords in her hands. Her hands buckled underneath the weight, the swords heavier then she expected for their size. She gripped the handle uncomfortably, not sure where to go from there.

Zuko saw her discomfort and came up behind her, taking each wrist in his hands. Her breath hitched as she felt how close he was behind her. He guided her arms, letting the sword flow with her wrists instead of the other way around. She could feel his bare skin against her back, and his warm breath tickled the back of her neck, making the hair stand on its end. She was suddenly very aware of every neuron in her body, every point of contact he made. It was like sparks were igniting between them, trying to start a fire between them.

"See? You're a natural..." Zuko spoke in an almost husky voice, causing Katara to blush even deeper.  She wasn't sure how long they stood there in each others embrace, or who shuffled away awkwardly first. But they both held the same scarlet blush on their cheeks.

"Can I ask you something?" Katara spoke, biting her lip nervously and needing to speak to calm her beating heart. Zuko nodded, also listening intently for the same purpose. She let out a breath, "Do you miss your Uncle?"

Zuko nodded with a second thought, "Every day..." he sat down against the tree, letting his back rest against its bark. Katara moved and sat down next to him, "Where do you think he's being held?"

Zuko shook his head, raising his shoulders slightly, "I'm not sure..." he paused for a moment thinking, "If I were my-... Ozai..." he caught himself on his words.

He wasn't his father anymore. He hadn't been for a long time.

"I would want him close..." Zuko reasoned, "I would think since I escaped, my next plan would be to find him... if I went and rescued him, I could be walking into a trap myself"

He paused again, trying to put himself in the mind of his father but not wanting to dive too deep, knowing it was a very dark place, "I don't think he ever thought I would escape... He knew you healed me obviously, but I think he never thought you would come rescue me... Hell, I didn't think you were coming"

Katara's face fell a little. She knew this information already, but the thought that he was in the horrid place, completely alone, and thinking no one was coming... It send chills down her spine.

"But I'm sure after we escaped... his first thought was to lock my Uncle up tight... Because he would be next..." he looked down between his knees.

Katara placed a gentle hand on his arm, softly, not quite motherly even if it's how she meant it, "We could try and save him you know..."

A small smile appeared on his face as he turned to her, "I-..." he started to speak but he stuttered on his words. His mouth closed in a harsh line before trying again, "I wanted to talk to you about that..."

Katara sat up straighter, immediately attentive and hanging on his every word. He watched her for a moment before speaking, "If he is in the palace... or close by... the invasion would be the perfect distraction..."

She watched him as he spoke, unsure exactly where he was leading.

"I want to find him during the invasion... and I would really like... if you came with me..."

Her eyes widened and her mouth fell agape. He saw the way her mouth flopped like a fish, searching for what to say. He tried to continue, hoping she would understand, "I know it's a big ask... I don't want to take you from somewhere that you're needed..."

Katara watched him, before looking down at her hands. He sighed, "I'm not sure what kind of condition he'll be in when I find him... if he's been... beaten... I could really use your healing abilities to get him out of there..." he smiled at her and she smiled back, though she still held unsureness on her face.

"Also selfishly... I just want you close by..."

Katara felt a rosy blush creeping on her cheek but desperately tried to shove it down. She took a deep breath before finally speaking, "I'm not sure... can I think about it?"

Zuko nodded immediately, "Of course... take all the time you need" he smiled back at her before pushing himself up. He turned back to her and held out his hand, which she took graciously, pulling herself to stand.

They walked back in silence, neither knowing exactly what to say. But the silence wasn't uncomfortable. They listened to the sound of the breeze shuffling the trees, and watched as they fell down to the ground. They could hear the crunching of leaves beneath their feet as they walked.

Katara tried everything she could to focus on that instead of the sound of her own beating heart, that seemed like it desperately was going to jump out of her chest. She wasn't sure what her reaction was from but she tried desperately to calm her nerves before she stood in front of Toph, who would be able to hear her racing heart from a mile away.

But little did she know, that Toph already did. As she picked her toes by the fire, haphazardly throwing rocks at a practicing Aang, she could feel the ebb and flow of their hearts, seeming to race to catch up to each other. She smirked to herself, throwing a partially larger rock at Aang, which he deflected easier then the last.

Things were changing within their group and she was the only one who wasn't too blind to notice.

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