Chapter 22: The Deepest Cuts

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Katara walked ahead of the two familiar guards as they dragged Zuko's limp body down the metal hallway.

She felt her heart sink every time he winced in pain at their grip. The boys knew that they couldn't be gentle with so many others looking at them.

Other guards stared as they dragged the prisoner back to his cell, most in wonder, but they turned away as soon as Katara caught their eye.

She turned a corner and almost ran into the chest of a large man. She scoffed and looked up to see the burning eyes of the warden.

"Warden. I would appreciate it if your guards didn't play games with my prisoner" she spoke in a stern voice.

The warden laughed, looking down on her, "Oh but my dear, they only get let out to play so often"

Katara rolled her eyes at his dumb joke, "Well tell them to take it out on other prisoners. The Fire Lord had very specific instructions for me"

He looked down at her curiously, "Hmm... I'll make sure they get the memo"

Katara nodded and briskly passed him, not turning to meet his eye, even as he watched her walk away.

When they reached his cell, Katara stepped aside, letting the two guards throw him into the cell. She cringed internally as he cried out when his body hit the metal floor. She followed him in, letting the door shut behind her.

As soon as she knew they were safe, she jumped into action.

"The water, Aang" she asked him. He tossed her a small water pouch she had from camp that he had stored under his uniform.

She quickly grabbed it, uncorked it and bent out the water. She made quick work of his injuries, focusing her energy on his deepest cuts and harshest blisters.

Katara watched as his shoulders visibly relaxed as the water healed him. She watched as his body came back into his own, and the Zuko she knew came back to life.

His eyes opened from a harsh squint, his shoulders dropped in relief, and his fingernails were removed from the indents in his palms, leaving behind tiny marks.

She stopped for a moment, looking at her handy work, "That's all I can do for now... I don't want to risk them seeing you healed and hurting you more"

She didn't think she could make those lies twice.

Zuko nodded, "Thank you..." he spoke in a dry voice.

She reached into her sleeve and pulled out two large round fruits, placing them in his hands.

Zuko looked at her, almost in shock, almost as if he was worried she'd take them away.

"Eat up, I don't know how much time we have" Katara told him.

Zuko didn't wait another moment, taking a bite out of the first one and letting the flavors hit his tongue.

The juices flowed through his mouth and ignited his taste buds, having been used to the bland, flavorless food of the prison.

It was the best piece of fruit that he ever tasted.

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