Chapter 33: The Dew Soaked Clouds

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Aang couldn't stop talking on their way back about their adventure.

It was slowly driving Zuko to insanity.

While the ride there was filled with only the sounds of the wind to keep them company, Aang's voice filled the once comfortable silence. Zuko didn't realize how comfortable it had been until it was replaced.

Aang chatted about how he couldn't wait to show everyone what they had learned, and how he wasn't scared to fire bend anymore, even though he had a lot left to learn before he was making any fire blasts.

He especially went on about how proud Katara would be. He spoke about how she would be so excited that he got over his fear.

Zuko could tell by the way he was talking that he thought it would mean something of her feelings for him. But he wondered if the airbender could differentiate the pride of a girlfriend and the pride of an older sister. Zuko silently hoped it was latter, although the idea confused him.

The firebender just kept his eyes trained to the clouds as they passed, analyzing their shapes and questioning exactly what formed them that way. Instead of focusing on the Avatar's though process, he created one of his own. The words of the Chief repeated in his mind, over and over.

"There is something in your life causing you inner turmoil... Something strong. Powerful. It may seem like the worst is behind you... and while difficult times lie ahead, there is beauty beyond that. You may not see it now... but there will be a moment that will change everything... and you will know it when it happens"

Zuko replayed the words in his mind over and over, trying to pull them apart and piece them back together in order to understand exactly what they meant.

What could possibly be causing that much turmoil? Of course the war bothered him. Of course he was missing his Uncle. But he made the right decision. He joined the Avatar, being his teacher, helping defeat his father. In a lot of ways, he had never felt more at peace.

Zuko sighed, pushing the thoughts to the back of his mind. One thing that Zuko did know, was that the Chief said he would know in due time. There was no sense mulling it over deeply now. He trusted the Chiefs judgement and that someday, he would understand all of it.

"Zuko? Hello?"

The words pulled him from his thoughts. He looked over at the younger boy who looked at him expectantly. Zuko shook his head, "I'm sorry I just got lost in thought... what did you say?" He asked him, apology on his face.

Aang dismissed it quickly, forgiving him immediately, "Should we stop and get something to eat for everyone?"

"Umm yeah totally" Zuko nodded in agreement. Aang steered Appa towards a small village, with no more then a few dozen huts. But in the center, like most villages, there was stalls full of people selling their wares.

Aang headed straight towards the stall containing many different fruits, all of them from the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdoms. While he hunted for some food to bring back to camp, Zuko looked through the stalls. Some people had clay pots that they had spun themselves. Some people had clothes that were hand stitched with fabrics made by other stall vendors.

But he stopped in his tracks when he saw a familiar mask hanging on the stall of a painters cart.

Young Zuko sat in his seat with his arms crossed and shoulders slumped. His mother, Ursa, looked down at him with a look he knew very well. He sat up straight and sighed.

"Though I was trapped in the body of a mortal, you willingly gave me your heart" the actor spoke on stage. Zuko rolled his eyes at the mediocre acting choices, as the actor dramatically threw himself at the Dragon Empress.

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