Chapter 14: The Man in White

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Rated M for Sexual Themes

Zuko's feet dragged across the floor as the guards moved him alone. His heart wanted to fight back, to push against them and break free. But where could he go?

He couldn't run, there was no where to run to. There was far too many guards to fight. He was stuck.

They took him to a wing that he had never been to before. It had many twists and turns, with no doors or windows. He felt the hallway descending downward underneath the prison. Eventually the light from above gave out and a guard lit a small fire in his palm in order to see ahead of them.

The hallway split off in two directions and they turned right. Zuko tried to follow which way they turned, just in case. But the maze was designed to get anyone lost that didn't know the way.

Zuko felt the guards stop and his feet moved to a halt. He glanced up from the ground he was watching. Ahead of him was a large metal door, he watched as the guard pulled a single key from his pocket and unlock the door, yanking it open.

Zuko was hit in the face with a bright white light as the door opened. He squinted his eyes at the intrusion of light. It took him several moments to adjust to the bright white room as they pulled him inside.

When he could finally open his eyes without pain, he looked around the room. The walls, ceilings and floor were coated in slabs of white marble. Cracks shown on the walls from age.

A few beds lined the walls and a few women in tight white dresses bustled around, some carrying sheets or baskets with other miscellaneous items.

At the other end of the room was a desk with scattered pieces of parchment thrown across it. A man stood over the desk, reading through the parchment. He wore a long white coat, with a white dress shirt and white pants. He had his brown furrowed and cupped his chin in concentration.

The guards dragged Zuko forward and pushed him down in front of the desk. Zuko fell to his knees and kept his eyes trained on the floor.

"We brought another one for you" the first guard said. The man in white looked up from his papers and then looked down at Zuko kneeling in front of him, "Another one? That's the third one this week" the man spoke in a soft tone, almost caring.

The guard shrugged, "We'll be back to collect him tomorrow"

The man frowned, "You know I get 3 days with them..."

"This one is set to be executed" the guard spoke, "The Fire Lord doesn't want it to be delayed"

The man sighed and looked down at Zuko, "Fine... I'll do what I can, thank you, you may go"

Zuko heard their boots click on the marble floor as they walked away, but kept his eyes trained to the floor. His mind was reeling with what came next.

The man in white came around the desk and leaned against the front. He sat in silence for a few moments and then spoke, "You can get up ya know..."

Zuko didn't move for a moment, only furrowed his brow in confusion.

"It's alright, you won't be beaten" the man spoke softly.

Zuko looked up at him, looking at the sincere look in his eyes. He noticed the slight crazed look in them, wondered if he should do as he said.

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