Chapter 57: The Point of No Return

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The submarines zoomed through the ocean, waterbenders pushing them along and helping them fight the harsh currents. The tanks were the perfect man made war machine. It was something the fire nation would never expect. Sokka and the Mechanist worked hard to make it that way. But there was one thing that had to give with the new invention. In order to let the subs sink, they had to lower the air supply. They planned out the best place to stop and get air, far enough away from the gates but not too close to the shore of the capital.

This was also where they would say goodbye. Aang, Zuko and Toph would fly ahead on Appa, giving them a head start towards the capital building. Zuko would take Aang as far as he could, until him and Toph would head off towards the prisons to find Iroh. By the time anyone noticed they were there, the attack on the shore would have begun.

They all emerged from their submarines, enjoying the sweet taste of fresh air. The group met on the middle submarine, falling into a group hug. It may be the last time that they could share a quiet moment between them. They all knew everything would change after today, one way or another.

"So this is it huh?" Aang said, looking slightly nervous. He looked amongst his friends, his resolve hardening when he saw the determined looks on his friends faces.

"Are you ready for the Fire Nation to know the Avatar is back in action?" Sokka asked, his voice hard and unyielding. The older boy only had determination on his face. Aang nodded, as if Sokka gave him some confidence, "I'm ready"

They all hugged once more, everyone squeezing a little harder then necessary before letting go. They all exchanged a look before Sokka turned to help Toph onto Appa.

Katara looked at Zuko for the first time in several days. He looked back at her, making sure he didn't see an inch of hesitation in her eyes. If he did, he swore he would have swept her over his shoulder and swam her back to shore. But he was not in the least bit surprised when she simply smiled.

He thought back to something his Uncle had told him long ago.

Zuko swept the tea room floor, his apron a dingy shade of brown and his emerald green clothing made him blend in. He looked up to see his Uncle standing there, looking out the window with a smile on his face.

He huffed, letting the broom fall with a clang to the floor, "I hate this..." he slumped into the chair, hearing it creak as he sat down.

Iroh didn't turn to him, still staring out at the auburn sky turning into the darkest night.

"How can you just smile at this? Like it's the happiest day of your life?" he asked gruffly, "The owner treats us like pathetic servants, only here to do his dirty work..."

Iroh was quiet for a moment, "Our life hangs in the balance Zuko...a fragile glass standing on a wire, high above the stone ground, as we pray for not one drop of rain under an overcast sky... And yet, I smile..."

Zuko groaned, "I can't take the proverbs today Uncle..."

The old man couldn't help but chuckle, "It may not be paladins and fancy clothes my nephew but you will soon see the purpose of this life... There is more honor here then any palace... We will mine glory from the rock of struggle here... It will never be easy... and yet, I smile"

Zuko was silent, trying to understand how his Uncle could be so content in a life of servitude. He shifted his weight in his chair and it came clattering to the floor, landing him flat on his rear. He couldn't help himself but fall into a fit of laughter as he fell back to the floor.

It was the first time he had laughed in a long time.

Katara whispered, "Everything is going to change now isn't it..."

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