Chapter 61: The Clock Ticks

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Zuko stood with his shoulders squared. Ozai watched him with a frustrated look. He took deep breaths, waiting and longing for his bending to return. Ozai didn't stand for insolent little children, especially if it was his own family. It was better if it was squandered.

"For so long, all I wanted was for you to love me, to accept me..." Zuko struggled to keep his voice even. He would not break down in front of his father but all of the old feelings came flooding back, as he stood in front of the man he hadn't seen in years, "I thought it was my honor I wanted, but really" he let out a laugh, "I was just trying to please you..."

Zuko looked at the man he did not recognize. His hair had grown grayer and his face showed signs of his age. But the same harsh eyes remained. Anger began to bubble inside him, as he remembered the scared thirteen year old boy who did only what young children that age do.

Believe their parents, no matter what they said.

"You, my father" he spat out at the words as if they tastes foul on his lips, "Who banished me just for talking out of turn" Zuko pointed his broadsword towards his father, "My father, who challenged me, a thirteen-year-old boy, to an Agni Kai..."

Ozai's eyes were flaming red, as if the fire that the eclipse buried inside was about to burst at the seems. Zuko paused, his voice much lower but still holding the same ferocity as before, "How could you possibly justify a duel with a child?"

"It was to teach you respect" Ozai replied scornfully. But Zuko shook his head, talking over him, "It was cruel! And it was wrong!"

Ozai narrowed his eyes, "Then you have learned nothing" he whispered through a clenched jaw. Zuko let out a breath and for a moment, he smiled, "No... I have learned everything..."

"Sokka... Where is Zuko?" she asked again, knowing the only way to get through to them was to address her brother. Katara saw the way he dropped his breath, a remorseful look on his face.

She could barely hear him above the sounds of battle. Sokka barely spoke above a whisper, "He went to look for Ozai in one last place..."

Katara didn't understand his answer, "Okay, so let's meet him there then" she simply replied, going to walk back towards Appa. But Sokka grabbed her arm and shook his head. He looked up towards the eclipse, seeing the moon almost completely across the sun.

"We need to get these people to safety..." Sokka explained, "And Zuko knew that..."

Katara shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes, realizing what this meant, "No... No why would he do that?!"

"If he finds him, he's going to try to bring Ozai out into the open... and if he doesn't find him, he's going to head back..." Sokka told her, placing both his hands on her shoulders, "But if he's not back by the time the firebenders can bend again..." he trailed off, not bringing himself to say it aloud.

Katara shook her head again, tears beginning to stream down her face, "No! No!" she cried out. Sokka pulled her into his chest, holding onto her tight, but her eyes were fixed on the sun above, not caring the damage it did to her eyes even with the glasses.

They were running out of time.

"Traveling with the Avatar, I've learned more about the world then you ever taught me..." Zuko spoke, "We were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest country on earth but what an amazing lie that was! Our own people fear us! They fear you!"

Ozai seemed to only gleam with pride, "As they should..." his voice was low, and his eyes were alit.

But Zuko took a deep breath, knowing he was running out of time. He could feel the sun's rays igniting his inner fire again. Very soon, their bending would return, and he would be trapped with nowhere to run.

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