***Author's Note***

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Hey yall, long time no see. Its hard to believe its been 4 months without posting here. Life has been quite challenging as of late. But I do really want to get back into writing. This story is NOT abandoned! i have thought of this story quite a lot in the time I've been gone, and I'm eager to get back into writing it again.

That being said, I am going to take a week or two to lay out the rest of this series. Hard to imagine but we are not super far away from the end. This way I can continue to get chapters out and have a clear direction for the rest of the series.

Also side note, I've also started working on another story for a completely different fandom that I adore with my entire heart. So if you like my writing and are interested, stay tuned!

Lastly, I just want to say thank you to all of you that have been rating and commenting on my story these past few months. I've read every single one and smiled every time. You guys are the reason I will always come back to writing!

Stay tuned for new chapters coming soon! :)

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