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2 months later

Cheryl's pov:
Hopefully none of my friends really thought I was going into therapy, because I'm not. I'm living my life since 2 months now, and I love it.  Nevertheless, I tried to get in contact with Heather, but Toni needed to say she would be dead when she's talking to me.

I also wouldn't say that Toni and I are in good terms. I'm giving a shit about her, she used to say she likes me. But not anymore. She lets me out, and even let me bring girls over. I made out with almost 20 girls, but I feel so disgusting after.. Maybe I am? Toni is still brave. Always trying to look after me. Kinda cute but she's like obsessed.

I've been to the hospital 7 times in the last few months, and even Veronica is giving up on me. What's kinda sad because she never did. She told me that I'm too much, I should slow down a bit because she won't want me to get hurt again. But I do have everything. Money, an obsessed Toni and girls. That's everything I need duh?

Right now, I'm in my bed on my phone. Stalking LA girls and maybe also Toni. I still like Toni, yea. But I won't have a relationship. Maybe a few sessions but nothing more.

3 months later

Toni's pov:

I gave up. Last month I moved to room 140. Without Cheryl. She's fucking my head. I don't think if she's ever "coming back." But I bet she weren't happy about me moving out... But I had to. She needed the therapy she didn't took. She's hurting too much people just so she won't be hurt one day.

Veronica and I are now better than before. She knows I do like Cheryl, but she can't say what's in Cheryl's head ca- my thoughts got interrupted by a knock.

I went to the front door to open it and almost lost my breath. It's Cheryl. "Hiii, can we talk?" She smiled as if I would say yes. "No." I responded, and I saw in her eyes that she would never have thought I'm saying no. "What?" She rolled her eyes and tried to let herself in... Which I blocked with my arm. "Leave." I whined. "Why?" She whispered. I need a reason. Fuck uuuhhhhhmmmm. "A girl visit me." I said, and she looked at me with no words. Then she almost teared up and left.

Of course no girl is here. My eyes are still on blossom. But I can't let her in so fast again.

Veronica's pov:

I'm tired af. I'm in my dorm doing my night routine. After that I changed clothes into my joggers and a hoodie. When everything was done I went back to the living room to watch Netflix and drank my own made smoothie. Then the door rang. By my surprise I met Cheryl's eyes. In tears. I let her in, and she fell down on my couch.

"Cheryl." I said. But she just rolled herself in my blankets and tried to sleep.

I went to the kitchen to pure myself a mug of warm milk. Then I gave Cheryl a kiss on her head and went to my bedroom. I turned off my lights and tried to sleep.

1 hour later.

I woke up and almost lost my life on a heart attack. Cheryl stood right before my bed sat down looking to my walls.

"I fucked up, V." She said and I heard her small cries.

„I know baby, wanna talk?" I asked her and she cuddled herself on me.

„What's wrong? What happened that changed your mind..." I asked and she sniffed.

„Love Veronica. Love. I'm loveless and not useful. I should die-" she broke down having an attack.

„Cheryl... Calm down baby. It's okay. Shhhh." I said over and over again until Cheryl calmed down.

„Explain cher." I said.

„I went to Toni's house. To party a bit. I don't know what got over me the last time. She didn't let me in. I asked why, and she told me a woman came over." she almost screamed the rest in pain.

„What?" I rose my eyebrows in shock.

"I thought she likes me..." Cheryl whispered under tears.

"What about us V? I also lost you. I need you. Otherwise, I'm falling- an- and I wanna have my life back. My normal life. Not that life..." she added, and I got an idea.

"Do you wanna start now?" I asked her, and she looked up to me thought and then nodded.

I stood up and turned on the light, grabbed a new pack of pajamas and gave them to Cheryl, in the meantime she changed I went to the kitchen to get her pills. Then I went back to my room to see Cheryl fully dressed and comfortable.

"Look. Are you ready?..." I asked, and her eyes immediately looked at the pills.

She nodded.

"Okay... Water? Check. Pills? Check and Cheryl? Check." I smiled and gave the pills and water to Cheryl. She took them and smiled like an idiot.

"Now let's sleep big baby. We need to fix lots of things." I said and went to turn off the light again.

"V, I'm falling for Toni." She whispered.

"I know you shit, otherwise you wouldn't be here. And she did too. And I think she still does. We just need to fix those small things okay?" I said and felt her head nodded against my arm. Then I fell.

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