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Cheryls pov:

„Cheryl baby?" Toni asked for me at work.

„Hm?" I hummed as reply.

„What are you doing?" she asked me and I showed her my computer.

„Should I call your parents about the partnership?" she asks and thinned her lips.

„Yes, of course! I forgot about it." I laughed sightly, and she nodded, kissed me and walked out back into her office I assume.

I continued working uncontrollably until she came into my office again.

"Babe! You scared me!!" I said loudly and shocked.

"I didn't knock, sorry." She laughed and walked up to my table sitting down in front of me.

"They agreed." She started, "and the meeting will be tomorrow at 4pm. We will start driving at 1pm, okay?"
"Yes, of course, as long as we end up with this partnership." I laughed lightly.

„I love you." She said lovingly, and I smiled at her, „I love you too, baby."
She leaned over the table and kissed me passionately before leaving the room again.

The rest of the day went completely normal.

Toni's pov:
Next day, 1pm — Toni's house

"Babyyyyy!!!! Are you ready?" I yelled through my house at Cheryl.


„BITCH!" I screamed flinching while I turned around seeing her already done.

„Since when are you downstairs?" I asked and put my hand on my chest to feel my heart.

„Like a minute ago? But you were on your cell phone," she laughed and dragged me out into the car.

„Actually, it belongs the other way around."

„Be quiet," she only replied.

I turned her around and pressed my upper body against her, which led her to push against the car. Then I slowly let my hand slide up to her neck, „Don't tell me what I have to do." I whispered and opened my door.

She walked around the car and also got into the car.

I immediately put my hand on her thigh when I drove off to the meeting.

• •

„Ready?" She asked while we stood in front of their factory.

„Always," I grinned and opened the door. Then we went to the reception.

„Excuse me? I would like to go to ms. Blossom." I said politically, and she answered me in the hallway and the number.

„Up up up." I laughed while we stood in the elevator.

„Do they know me as your girlfriend?" I asked and Cheryl furrowed her eyebrows at me.

„They know us since college." she answered like it was obvious, „they even know about your dick."

„What? Embarrassing!" I said loud but also quiet.

„They want grandchildren." She giggled and we walked up to their office.

Cheryl knocked for me and we headed inside.


Jason came up to me, „nice to see you topaz, it's been a while!" he greeted me smiling and opened his arms for a hug.

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