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Smut lol
Cheryl's pov:

Toni's birthday is in a week and I need to organize the best party she can get.
I know she loves swimming, so it's a pool party or a beach night party.

At first, I need to get Betty and Veronica to help me.

I grabbed my phone and wrote in our old college group chat I found yesterday in the evening on my phone.

Threesome ❤️‍🔥

Cherry Top🔥: babes!?

Cherry Top🔥: CHERRY TOP?

Raven💅🏻: Tf us that?


Cherry Top🔥: Toni's birthday next week in the 23rd!

SpongeBob🤓: ayyy, some organized girlfriend

Raven💅🏻: I don't like my name.

Raven💅🏻: but I'll come over now. Is Toni at work?

Cherry top🔥: yessss

SpongeBob🤓: perfect perfect perfect, see you xx

Cherry Top🔥: 😘

Plan done. Now I'm waiting.

After 10 minutes Veronica arrived.

"I came here asap." She said while letting herself in.

"Girl, did you just walk into my house?" I laughed, and she threw her jacket on the couch, "spoiled whore."

I giggled, "it is what it is."

"Hi." Betty said behind me and I screamed.

"FUCKING STUPID UNLOVED WHORE!!" I screamed shocked.

"You scared the fuck out of me."

"Yeah, I know." She said while walking to Veronica, "I let myself in by the way."

"Yeah sorry, didn't notice after you stood behind me."

"Cheryl you get scared so easily.". Veronica chuckled.

"I need help now. What party should I throw?!"

"What does she like?" Betty asked, "Swimming, but I don't think we would be swimming, probably partying or something."

"Nope I wanna throw you in the beach so bad, beach party one hundred percent." Veronica smirked at me.

I ignored the throwing me in the beach, "but wh-"

"Just be like not throwing her a party at all. Let her think you couldn't buy anything for her because of work. And then you'll ask her for a walk and get her to the beach at night." Betty started and Veronica and I listened, "We will surprise her, you will hold a loving speech for her and a few other as well to make her feel special for this day." She laughed, "then we will eat and dance. Everything without alcohol because we don't want to forget something this night-"

"And Toni swore Cheryl no drunk sex in High school. It would ruin their night." Veronica winked.

Betty chuckled, "yeah, and then we will go swim."

"After the sex?" Veronica asked fake gasping.

"I'm so over with you vee." I laughed, arms crossed, "I love your plan Bee."

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