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"Good morning baby." Toni whispered in her raspy voice,


"Yesterday was-"

"Wonderful Toni." Cheryl continued,


"Wanna go to work today?" She whispered,

"Yep. I missed work already."

"Nerd." Toni Said and stood up walking into her dressing room picking up an outfit.

Cheryl walked into the bathroom first doing her morning face routine and then choosing clothes as well, "babe I need to go home today-"

Toni walked into the dressing room, "what do you mean?"

"I'm only having the clothes that I had on the vacation with me, way to less."

"You gonna stay there?"

"We will see it then okay?" Cheryl said softly grabbing her chosen clothes, "yeah of course, it's all up to you baby." Toni smiled warm hearted and put off all her clothes to take a shower.

In the shower she felt a hand going from her back up to her while she washed the shampoo out of her hairs. She turned around smiling, „hey baby."

„I wanted to join. I need one as well." Cheryl said and grabbed Toni's shampoo bottle out of her hand washing her hairs and body.

After the shower both of them got ready and drove off for work.

• •

Toni was now chilling in her office, she was already done with signing papers so she scrolled thorough her emails. It was already 7pm and the day took his end so she sent Cheryl a quick text to leave.

They met in the elevator and right when they walked out of the building, Minerva stood there. With this smirk on her face, Toni knew she wanted something from them.

„Aww! I see you two returned!" she squeezed obviously fake.

„Minerva don't even start something." Toni said and walked up to her car.

„What? Wait woah, I'm just telling you two good luck."

„Yeah thanks for that. We don't need yours."

„C'mon you two wouldn't be together without me." she rolled her eyes sightly.

Toni stopped walking immediately and turned around. Cheryl right beside her, anxious.

„Obviously I was the redheads little toy.." she glared at Cheryl who seemed very uncomfortable, „but at the end. I cheated."

Cheryl licked her teeth, trying to control the emotions that flowed through her veins.

„But tell me Toni.." minerva said coming near to her, „If I hadn't cheated on her. She would be all over me now. Kissing me. Touching me."

Toni chuckled sarcastically and opened Cheryl's door for her. She walked back to the other side and opened her door as well, „don't go near us again." she said and sat down on the drivers seat.

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